I [blank] Ed.I.T.ed fo' • • •
(too old to reply)
2008-06-08 16:06:26 UTC
<NOTat Rick_bari3 <NOTatBbMaleBUTt @ <Gmail•ComByteME <wrote:
< "Ed.I.T.ed fo'...
Same goes for you annoying untreated sickos.
Nobody reads any of your crap.
Just like me, they glance at it and recognize it as POLLUTION.
Nobody reads or willingly listens to pollution. I may be affected by
pollution. I may have to BREATH, LOOK and have to HEAR it because it
is afterall pollution and like pollution gets by because it
accompanies the medium it is transported on.
But it is still pollution and not content.
Don't fool yourself or confuse SEEING with READING.
You're reading this. But nobody reads your shit.
Your shit is like a fucking annoying billboard. It is there as
pollution. But Nobody (trust me NOBODY) reads it. Why would they?
There's nothing there! It's a repetitious bore. You and the other nut
cases from alt.mental.illness that crosspost here and draw squiggly
lines are just as uninteresting, just as annoying, and just as
You bozos who post your unreadable vomit here should understand that
you are the equivalent of NOISE POLLUTION.
Let me repeat that, you are NOISE POLLUTION.
Visual noise pollution is fortunately a little bit easier to ignore
than real NOISE pollution. But just like a girly screaming billboard,
it is still BLIGHT.
But like a screaming girly bill board, its only message is "brand" and
a brand only conveys "who it is from". There is no content in a
brand. It's just a brand. Even a moron like you understands that
nobody "reads" a brand. Why should they? There's nothing there to
I discovered however YOU can actually HEAR what YOU sound like if you
were to listen and actually HEAR yourself ... because I discovered a
program on NPR that virtually replicates the hideous fashion statement
of your noisy "brand", which is nothing less than the "Click & Clack
of Car Talk".
You and Click & Clack are virtual clones of each other, self-
congratulatory, cackling hyenas of conceit and NOISE ... except YOU
have neither the benefit of a quiz called a "Puzzler" or the bogus
facade of representing an auto-repair issue.
You are unfortunately totally the horrid noise that accompanies Click
& Clack.
Like click & Clack, you desperately try to be funny and entertaining
but in reality are pretty pathetic.
Like Click & Clack, your potential audience mostly tune you OUT cuz
they recognize you and your content for what it is, "a brand of
Fortunately for Click & Clack, their pollution accompanies the real
recognizable content of a weekly "puzzler" and the facade of car
repair. If it wasn't for that, they'd be just like you, a couple of
girls with mens voices that NOBODY would tolerate.
You and Click & Clack are both DIFFICULT and ANNOYING morons.
You and they are virtually indistinguishable except you are ALL brand
and NO substance.
I don't think it's any accident that Click & Clack have identified
themselves with the cultural equivalence of "Deliverance".
Like Click & Clack you deserve the same signature sound that reveals
them as hillbilly butt-crack-loving men because I don't think it's any
accident that you, like Click & Clack, identify themselves at every
intermission with the banjo twangy "music" that identifies them as the
inbred unfortunate products of "Deliverance".
Bang away you two twangy annoying and butt-crack-loving bozos.
-BOZO, fighting noise pollution everywhere-
^^^^^^^^ ^
[ LA poluSHUN | ]

@ /
? /
Q_/---- "G U L P !"



...Fuck'n-A !";>)

..."Heh !"



Colonel Jake
2008-06-09 07:10:40 UTC
<froups added>

Rick_bari3 (at) <***@Gmail•ComByteME>
:Bozo <***@37.com>
:>Rick_bari3 (at) <***@Gmail•ComByteME>
:>:Bozo <***@37.com>
:>: "Ed.I.T.ed fo'...
:>Same goes for you annoying untreated sickos.
:>Nobody reads any of your crap.
:>Just like me, they glance at it and recognize it as POLLUTION.
:>Nobody reads or willingly listens to pollution. I may be
:>affected by pollution. I may have to BREATH, LOOK and have
:>to HEAR it because it is afterall pollution and like pollution
:>gets by because it accompanies the medium it is transported on.
:>But it is still pollution and not content.
:>Don't fool yourself or confuse SEEING with READING.
:>You're reading this. But nobody reads your shit.
:>Your shit is like a fucking annoying billboard. It is there as
:>pollution. But Nobody (trust me NOBODY) reads it. Why would
:>they? There's nothing there! It's a repetitious bore. You and
:>the other nut cases from alt.mental.illness that crosspost
:>here and draw squiggly lines are just as uninteresting, just
:>as annoying, and just as unreadable.
:>You bozos who post your unreadable vomit here should
:>understand that you are the equivalent of NOISE POLLUTION.
:>Let me repeat that, you are NOISE POLLUTION.
:>Visual noise pollution is fortunately a little bit easier to
:>ignore than real NOISE pollution. But just like a girly
:>screaming billboard, it is still BLIGHT.
:>But like a screaming girly bill board, its only message is a
:>"brand" and a brand only conveys "who it is from". There is no
:>content in a brand. It's just a brand. Even a moron like you
:>understands that nobody "reads" a brand. Why should they?
:>There's nothing there to read.
:>I discovered however YOU can actually HEAR what YOU sound like
:>if you were to listen and actually HEAR yourself ... because I
:>discovered a program on NPR that virtually replicates the
:>hideous fashion statement of your noisy "brand", which is
:>nothing less than the "Click & Clack of Car Talk".
:>You and Click & Clack are virtual clones of each other, self
:>congratulatory, cackling hyenas of conceit and
:>NOISE ... except YOU have neither the benefit of a quiz called
:>a "Puzzler" or the bogus facade of representing an auto-repair
:>You are unfortunately totally the horrid noise that
:>accompanies Click & Clack.
:>Like click & Clack, you desperately try to be funny and
:>entertaining but in reality are pretty pathetic.
:>Like Click & Clack, your potential audience mostly tune you
:>OUT cuz they recognize you and your content for what it is,
:>"a brand of POLLUTION"!
:>Fortunately for Click & Clack, their pollution accompanies the
:>real recognizable content of a weekly "puzzler" and the facade
:>of car repair. If it wasn't for that, they'd be just like you,
:>a couple of girls with mens voices that NOBODY would tolerate.
:>You and Click & Clack are both DIFFICULT and ANNOYING morons.
:>You and they are virtually indistinguishable except you are
:>ALL brand and NO substance.
:>I don't think it's any accident that Click & Clack have
:>identified themselves with the cultural equivalence of
:>Like Click & Clack you deserve the same signature sound that
:>reveals them as hillbilly butt-crack-loving men because I
:>don't think it's any accident that you, like Click & Clack,
:>identify themselves at every intermission with the banjo
:>twangy "music" that identifies them as the inbred unfortunate
:>products of "Deliverance".
:>Bang away you two twangy annoying and butt-crack-loving bozos.
:>-BOZO, fighting noise pollution everywhere-
: ^^^^^^^^ ^
: [ LA poluSHUN | ]
: •
: @ /
:? /
:Q_/---- "G U L P !"
: (ANDtHEN=?)
: "All'ME'can-sayZ...
: ...Fuck'n-A !";>)
:..."Heh !"

Dont take it?,
"So badly Ricky Rickardo?!?!?!,...., Bozo sent me one of them
same messages he sent you!!!,....,---->

<->----- Original Message -----
<->From: BoZoHoLE DE NIRo <***@37.com>
<->Newsgroups: alt.usenet.kooks,
<->Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2008 12:23 PM
<->Subject: Re: "An Official AUK Clemency" (Re: VOTE!...)
<->"Orchestra Radio - TV Luxembourg - Pomp And Circumstance March
<->BoZoHoLE DE NIRo <***@37.com> Teh Goatse Bowl Clown Show
<->:Nobody reads any of your crap.
<->:Just like me, they glance at it and recognize it as POLLUTION.
<->:Nobody reads or willingly listens to pollution. I may be
<->:affected by pollution. I may have to BREATH, LOOK and have to
<->:HEAR it because it is afterall pollution and like pollution
<->:gets by because it accompanies the medium it is transported
<->:But it is still pollution and not content.
<->:Don't fool yourself or confuse SEEING with READING.
<->:You're reading this. But nobody reads your shit.
<->:Your shit is like a fucking annoying billboard. It is there as
<->:pollution. But Nobody (trust me NOBODY) reads it. Why would
<->:they? There's nothing there! It's a repetitious bore. You and
<->:the other nut cases from alt.mental.illness that crosspost
<->:here and draw squiggly lines are just as uninteresting, just
<->:as annoying, and just as unreadable.
<->:You bozos who post your unreadable vomit here should
<->:understand that you are the equivalent of NOISE POLLUTION.
<->:Let me repeat that, you are NOISE POLLUTION.
<->:Visual noise pollution is fortunately a little bit easier to
<->:ignore than real NOISE pollution. But just like a girly
<->:screaming billboard, it is still BLIGHT.
<->:But like a screaming girly bill board, its only message is
<->:"brand" and a brand only conveys "who it is from". There is no
<->:content in a brand. It's just a brand. Even a moron like you
<->:understands that nobody "reads" a brand. Why should they?
<->:There's nothing there to read.
<->:I discovered however YOU can actually HEAR what YOU sound like
<->:if you were to listen and actually HEAR yourself ... because I
<->:discovered a program on NPR that virtually replicates the
<->:hideous fashion statement of your noisy "brand", which is
<->:nothing less than the "Click & Clack of Car Talk".
<->:You and Click & Clack are virtual clones of each other, self-
<->:congratulatory, cackling hyenas of conceit and
<->:NOISE ... except YOU have neither the benefit of a quiz called
<->:a "Puzzler" or the bogus facade of representing an auto-repair
<->:You are unfortunately totally the horrid noise that
<->:accompanies Click & Clack.
<->:Like click & Clack, you desperately try to be funny and
<->:entertaining but in reality are pretty pathetic.
<->:Like Click & Clack, your potential audience mostly tune you
<->:OUT cuz they recognize you and your content for what it is,
<->:"a brand of POLLUTION"!
<->:Fortunately for Click & Clack, their pollution accompanies the
<->:real recognizable content of a weekly "puzzler" and the facade
<->:of car repair. If it wasn't for that, they'd be just like you,
<->:a couple of girls with mens voices that NOBODY would tolerate.
<->:You and Click & Clack are both DIFFICULT and ANNOYING morons.
<->:You and they are virtually indistinguishable except you are
<->:ALL brand and NO substance.
<->:I don't think it's any accident that Click & Clack have
<->:identified themselves with the cultural equivalence of
<->:Like Click & Clack you deserve the same signature sound that
<->:reveals them as hillbilly butt-crack-loving men because I
<->:don't think it's any accident that you, like Click & Clack,
<->:identify themselves at every intermission with the banjo
<->:twangy "music" that identifies them as the inbred unfortunate
<->:products of "Deliverance".
<->:Bang away you twangy annoying and butt-crack-loving bozos.
<->:-BOZO, fighting noise pollution everywhere-

so you see Ricky?!?!?!,...., BoZoHoLE DE NIRo, just cant help
his FUCKING self cause?!?!?!,...., he got CLoWN FUCKED down
his throat once, as if it was an Goatse FUCK, and it gave
him?!?!?!,...., what is known today as, CLoWN FUCKAZZ AMUCKAZZ
a.k.a. CLoWN FUCKEDITUS!!! (an unfortunate incurable disease)..."

Now imagine being?,
"An BoZoHoLE DE NIRo?!?!?!,...., getting CLoWN FUCKED down teh
throat with whatever it was, that was used to Goatse FUCK this
FUCKAZZED individual?!?!?! (see BoZo'S Goatse Library),....,---->

<BoZo'S Goatse Library, compliments of Kadaitcha Man>
<-> "Kadaitcha Man" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message:
<-> <news:f2bcbo$iva$***@blackhelicopter.databasix.com>
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
<-> : (Loading Image...)
</BoZo'S Goatse Library, compliments of Kadaitcha Man>

so now?!?!?!,...., you're probably better understanding
why?!?!?!,...., and how BoZoHoLE DE NIRo got to be such

"BoZoHoLE DE NIRo is also known as?!?!?!,....,
'TEH EVIL CLoWN FUCKAZZ AMUCKAZZ!!! (just lurking about).'.."
(within teh depths of USENET (coughing out teh spit (of Goatse)))

But if you're smart Ricky?,
"You'll listen to BoZoHoLE DE NIRo'S following message!!!..."
(I'm sure glad, I'm nOt smart)

"Bozo De Niro"
"Attention Alt.Comedy.Standup ... Do Yourself a Favor?!?!?!..."

COlOnel Jake Enterprises®


Colonel Jake'sters:

'Plain-Azzed-Texted' Signature - High Speed

'Plain-Azzed-Texted' Signature - Dialup

AUK Pardon & Franchise Restored

Order of Lenin for Usefulness

Official Alt.Usenet.KoOks der'KoOkshite is under construction

:And then some...

: .

:And then again...

AUK's der'Awards?,
"For Bozo De Niro?!?!?!..."

Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart - Apr 07
2008-06-09 19:56:21 UTC
Post by Colonel Jake
:>: "Ed.I.T.ed fo'...
:>Same goes for you annoying untreated sickos.
:>Nobody reads any of your crap.
:>Just like me, they glance at it and recognize it as POLLUTION.
:>Nobody reads or willingly listens to pollution. I may be
:>affected by pollution. I may have to BREATH, LOOK and have
:>to HEAR it because it is afterall pollution and like pollution
:>gets by because it accompanies the medium it is transported on.
:>But it is still pollution and not content.
:>Don't fool yourself or confuse SEEING with READING.
:>You're reading this. But nobody reads your shit.
:>Your shit is like a fucking annoying billboard. It is there as
:>pollution. But Nobody (trust me NOBODY) reads it. Why would
:>they? There's nothing there! It's a repetitious bore. You and
:>the other nut cases from alt.mental.illness that crosspost
:>here and draw squiggly lines are just as uninteresting, just
:>as annoying, and just as unreadable.
:>You bozos who post your unreadable vomit here should
:>understand that you are the equivalent of NOISE POLLUTION.
:>Let me repeat that, you are NOISE POLLUTION.
:>Visual noise pollution is fortunately a little bit easier to
:>ignore than real NOISE pollution. But just like a girly
:>screaming billboard, it is still BLIGHT.
:>But like a screaming girly bill board, its only message is a
:>"brand" and a brand only conveys "who it is from". There is no
:>content in a brand. It's just a brand. Even a moron like you
:>understands that nobody "reads" a brand. Why should they?
:>There's nothing there to read.
:>I discovered however YOU can actually HEAR what YOU sound like
:>if you were to listen and actually HEAR yourself ... because I
:>discovered a program on NPR that virtually replicates the
:>hideous fashion statement of your noisy "brand", which is
:>nothing less than the "Click & Clack of Car Talk".
:>You and Click & Clack are virtual clones of each other, self
:>congratulatory, cackling hyenas of conceit and
:>NOISE ... except YOU have neither the benefit of a quiz called
:>a "Puzzler" or the bogus facade of representing an auto-repair
:>You are unfortunately totally the horrid noise that
:>accompanies Click & Clack.
:>Like click & Clack, you desperately try to be funny and
:>entertaining but in reality are pretty pathetic.
:>Like Click & Clack, your potential audience mostly tune you
:>OUT cuz they recognize you and your content for what it is,
:>"a brand of POLLUTION"!
:>Fortunately for Click & Clack, their pollution accompanies the
:>real recognizable content of a weekly "puzzler" and the facade
:>of car repair. If it wasn't for that, they'd be just like you,
:>a couple of girls with mens voices that NOBODY would tolerate.
:>You and Click & Clack are both DIFFICULT and ANNOYING morons.
:>You and they are virtually indistinguishable except you are
:>ALL brand and NO substance.
:>I don't think it's any accident that Click & Clack have
:>identified themselves with the cultural equivalence of
:>Like Click & Clack you deserve the same signature sound that
:>reveals them as hillbilly butt-crack-loving men because I
:>don't think it's any accident that you, like Click & Clack,
:>identify themselves at every intermission with the banjo
:>twangy "music" that identifies them as the inbred unfortunate
:>products of "Deliverance".
:>Bang away you two twangy annoying and butt-crack-loving bozos.
:>-BOZO, fighting noise pollution everywhere-
:      ^^^^^^^^ ^
: [ LA poluSHUN | ]
:               •
:?  /
:Q_/---- "G U L P !"
: (ANDtHEN=?)
: "All'ME'can-sayZ...
:   ...Fuck'n-A !";>)
:..."Heh !"
Dont take it?,
"So badly Ricky Rickardo?!?!?!,...., Bozo sent me one of them
same messages he sent you!!!,....,---->
<->----- Original Message -----
<->Newsgroups: alt.usenet.kooks,
<->Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2008 12:23 PM
<->Subject: Re: "An Official AUK Clemency" (Re: VOTE!...)
<->"Orchestra Radio - TV Luxembourg - Pomp And Circumstance March
<->:Nobody reads any of your crap.
<->:Just like me, they glance at it and recognize it as POLLUTION.
<->:Nobody reads or willingly listens to pollution. I may be
<->:affected by pollution. I may have to BREATH, LOOK and have to
<->:HEAR it because it is afterall pollution and like pollution
<->:gets by because it accompanies the medium it is transported
<->:But it is still pollution and not content.
<->:Don't fool yourself or confuse SEEING with READING.
<->:You're reading this. But nobody reads your shit.
<->:Your shit is like a fucking annoying billboard. It is there as
<->:pollution. But Nobody (trust me NOBODY) reads it. Why would
<->:they? There's nothing there! It's a repetitious bore. You and
<->:the other nut cases from alt.mental.illness that crosspost
<->:here and draw squiggly lines are just as uninteresting, just
<->:as annoying, and just as unreadable.
<->:You bozos who post your unreadable vomit here should
<->:understand that you are the equivalent of NOISE POLLUTION.
<->:Let me repeat that, you are NOISE POLLUTION.
<->:Visual noise pollution is fortunately a little bit easier to
<->:ignore than real NOISE pollution. But just like a girly
<->:screaming billboard, it is still BLIGHT.
<->:But like a screaming girly bill board, its only message is
<->:"brand" and a brand only conveys "who it is from". There is no
<->:content in a brand. It's just a brand. Even a moron like you
<->:understands that nobody "reads" a brand. Why should they?
<->:There's nothing there to read.
<->:I discovered however YOU can actually HEAR what YOU sound like
<->:if you were to listen and actually HEAR yourself ... because I
<->:discovered a program on NPR that virtually replicates the
<->:hideous fashion statement of your noisy "brand", which is
<->:nothing less than the "Click & Clack of Car Talk".
<->:You and Click & Clack are virtual clones of each other, self-
<->:congratulatory, cackling hyenas of conceit and
<->:NOISE ... except YOU have neither the benefit of a quiz called
<->:a "Puzzler" or the bogus facade of representing an auto-repair
<->:You are unfortunately totally the horrid noise that
<->:accompanies Click & Clack.
<->:Like click & Clack, you desperately try to be funny and
<->:entertaining but in reality are pretty pathetic.
<->:Like Click & Clack, your potential audience mostly tune you
<->:OUT cuz they recognize you and your content for what it is,
<->:"a brand of POLLUTION"!
<->:Fortunately for Click & Clack, their pollution accompanies the
<->:real recognizable content of a weekly "puzzler" and the facade
<->:of car repair. If it wasn't for that, they'd be just like you,
<->:a couple of girls with mens voices that NOBODY would tolerate.
<->:You and Click & Clack are both DIFFICULT and ANNOYING morons.
<->:You and they are virtually indistinguishable except you are
<->:ALL brand and NO substance.
<->:I don't think it's any accident that Click & Clack have
<->:identified themselves with the cultural equivalence of
<->:Like Click & Clack you deserve the same signature sound that
<->:reveals them as hillbilly butt-crack-loving men because I
<->:don't think it's any accident that you, like Click & Clack,
<->:identify themselves at every intermission with the banjo
<->:twangy "music" that identifies them as the inbred unfortunate
<->:products of "Deliverance".
<->:Bang away you twangy annoying and butt-crack-loving bozos.
<->:-BOZO, fighting noise pollution everywhere-
so you see Ricky?!?!?!,...., BoZoHoLE DE NIRo, just cant help
his FUCKING self cause?!?!?!,...., he got CLoWN FUCKED down
his throat once, as if it was an Goatse FUCK, and it gave
him?!?!?!,...., what is known today as, CLoWN FUCKAZZ AMUCKAZZ
a.k.a. CLoWN FUCKEDITUS!!! (an unfortunate incurable disease)..."
Now imagine being?,
"An BoZoHoLE DE NIRo?!?!?!,...., getting CLoWN FUCKED down teh
throat with whatever it was, that was used to Goatse FUCK this
FUCKAZZED individual?!?!?! (see BoZo'S Goatse Library),....,---->
<BoZo'S Goatse Library, compliments of Kadaitcha Man>
<-> : (http://data.exet.nu/bildarkiv/goatse/goatse_01.jpg)
<-> : (http://data.exet.nu/bildarkiv/goatse/goatse_02.jpg)
<-> : (http://data.exet.nu/bildarkiv/goatse/goatse_03.jpg)
<-> : (http://data.exet.nu/bildarkiv/goatse/goatse_04.jpg)
<-> : (http://data.exet.nu/bildarkiv/goatse/goatse_05.jpg)
<-> : (http://data.exet.nu/bildarkiv/goatse/goatse_06.jpg)
<-> : (http://data.exet.nu/bildarkiv/goatse/goatse_07.jpg)
<-> : (http://data.exet.nu/bildarkiv/goatse/goatse_08.jpg)
<-> : (http://data.exet.nu/bildarkiv/goatse/goatse_09.jpg)
<-> : (http://data.exet.nu/bildarkiv/goatse/goatse_10.jpg)
<-> : (http://data.exet.nu/bildarkiv/goatse/goatse_11.jpg)
<-> : (http://data.exet.nu/bildarkiv/goatse/goatse_12.jpg)
<-> : (http://data.exet.nu/bildarkiv/goatse/goatse_13.jpg)
<-> : (http://data.exet.nu/bildarkiv/goatse/goatse_14.jpg)
<-> : (http://data.exet.nu/bildarkiv/goatse/goatse_15.jpg)
<-> :- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -...
read more »
,;: -X` o` ::: Eh ! "ME"s OKay
,::'; .--(_)-.:::.
:::::( _ w_ )::::. jus' hav'n fRICKn fun !
`:'`' \_____/ ;'`';_
\\\\U/// \

" w/ BOzZzoOHOoo !"
_____ / _
/sHOEi\ / (@)
/=======\ /*\
\\\®¿©/// /\/_*_\/\
\==o==/ / (*oX) \ ...Uh, duh...Yea..
\___/ \ \(=)/ /
|| '-/vvv\-' ...Twat He said...
/)¯¯V¯¯(\ /| * |\
|)ME's/w|) (%{=*=}%) ...whatever ....
|!Bozo->|| ( v )

<.> " fo' JazzZzy1_&_ONLY_puSZZzzyCAT ! "

