t'(j)What ever happened to Planet Joe? ... (ma"ME"?) ... heh ! or (jazzycat1_&only(PuzZzyCAT= ;?) ••• . . .
(too old to reply)
2008-05-29 15:02:32 UTC
One small step for Planet Joe ...
One giant leap for Planet Bozo ...
-Bozo, going where no clown has gone before-
� � �I agree. �Planet Joe is Bozo's moon.
Tommy Joe �(I'm in orbit, man)

***@Gmail•comBytME !"WRIGHTs:

"Ya k'NO'w WHAT...
MUDder FUDders ? "



" Jo'w_HO ? "

( Jo_Ma"ME's !"...
BEE_ouch's !)


...Jo'culd B on"DCP"



(Jo, tw(j)atEVER,...

" BO... DO,nt k(NOW)

" Fckn'-A !"




2008-05-29 18:57:45 UTC
Post by Rick_bari3(at)***@Gmail•ComByteME
One small step for Planet Joe ...
One giant leap for Planet Bozo ...
-Bozo, going where no clown has gone before-
� � �I agree. �Planet Joe is Bozo's moon.
Tommy Joe �(I'm in orbit, man)
"Ya k'NO'w WHAT...
MUDder FUDders ? "
  " Jo'w_HO ? "
( Jo_Ma"ME's !"...
  BEE_ouch's !)
...Jo'culd B on"DCP"
(Jo, tw(j)atEVER,...
" BO... DO,nt k(NOW)
  " Fckn'-A !"
What the heck is ... BUTTden=7? and (D-B"rat"=8) and (ANDthen=7)

I ran it back and forth thru pentagon encryption and they don't know
what the fuck it is either.
2008-05-29 19:12:56 UTC
Edited for stupidity
2008-05-29 20:55:00 UTC
Post by Jazzycat1
Edited for stupidity
Stupid is as stupid does, Forrest AHole Jazzycat!

2008-05-29 20:19:02 UTC
On 29 May 2008 I stormed the castle called sci.psychology.psychotherapy
and heard Bozo cry out in news:f01faa72-198a-41ae-a454-
Post by Bozo
Post by Jazzycat1
Edited for stupidity
Stupid is as stupid does, Forrest AHole Jazzycat!
This isn't alt.comedy.crosspost so knock it off!@
Public Enemy #7

**Pissing off the planet, one person at a time**
2008-05-29 22:58:48 UTC
Post by Bozo
Post by Jazzycat1
Edited for stupidity
Stupid is as stupid does, Forrest AHole Jazzycat!
Bozo - you are a fucking asspipe. You make Col Jake look like a choir
boy, and believe me, he and I don't see things the same. Fuck off and
Die.. Have a nice gay day!!!!
Tommy Joe
2008-05-29 23:12:17 UTC
Post by Jazzycat1
Bozo - you are a fucking asspipe. You make Col Jake look like a choir
boy, and believe me, he and I don't see things the same. Fuck off and
Die.. Have a nice gay day!!!!
I know Bozo personally. For his own sake I spent many years
telling him he was an asspipe, but he wouldn't believe me. I refused
to give up. One day I got through with him and he finally admitted
that yes he was an asspipe, but from then on all he did was go around
telling everyone that he was the greatest asspipe of all time.

Tommy Joe (you can't beat bozo)
2008-05-29 23:18:19 UTC
Post by Jazzycat1
Bozo - you are a fucking asspipe. You make Col Jake look like a choir
boy, and believe me, he and I don't see things the same. Fuck off and
Die..  Have a nice gay day!!!!
      I know Bozo personally.  For his own sake I spent many years
telling him he was an asspipe, but he wouldn't believe me.  I refused
to give up.  One day I got through with him and he finally admitted
that yes he was an asspipe, but from then on all he did was go around
telling everyone that he was the greatest asspipe of all time.
Tommy Joe  (you can't beat bozo)
I don't want to "beat" Bozo - That's Lt. Jakes Job
Colonel Jake
2008-05-30 00:33:01 UTC
Jazzycat1 <***@msn.com> news:98492408-72ac-4249-b34e-***@d45g2000hsc.googlegroups.com
:Bozo <***@37.com>
:>Jazzycat1 <***@msn.com>
:>:Edited for stupidity
:>Stupid is as stupid does, Forrest AHole Jazzycat!
:Bozo - you are a fucking asspipe. You make Col Jake look
:like a choir boy,

"I always knew?!?!?!,...., Father Tucker really did something
really bad to you!!! (dude with teh funny callsign)..."
(Jeff "Jazzycat" Noble, dreaming about choir boys)

:and believe me, he and I don't see things the same.

I would definitely?,
"Hope so!!!..."

:Fuck off and Die.. Have a nice gay day!!!!

And I just bet?,
"That you used to watch Bozo every morning before school,
and now loOk at you?!?!?! (Jazzycat),...., screedin'
on da'BoZo De Niro!!!..."

"If you're lucky Jazzycat?!?!?!,...., Bozo will second your
nomination for, this months AUK Award - Coward of the Month!!!..."

<NOMINATION thread found at 5/14/2008 10:12 PM>
<->----- Original Message -----
<->From: "Colonel Jake" <***@comcast.net>
<->Newsgroups: rec.arts.marching.drumcorps,
<->Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 10:12 PM
<->Subject: NOMINATION: Coward of the Month - Jeffrey "Jazzycat" Noble
<->of RAMD (Re: Drum Corps Wiki - pretty good stuff)
</NOMINATION thread found at 5/14/2008 10:12 PM>

If Bozo does second teh NOMINATION?,
"Lets hope?!?!?!,...., he's smart enough, to reply/crosspost
it too, 'alt.usenet.kooks!!! (with teh word 'seconded' typed in
teh reply),' ...., cause we know that?!?!?!,....,
"Rick_bari3 (at) ***@Gmail•ComByteME" isnt!!!
(isnt smart enough to second, an NOMINATION (he just poasts))..."
2008-05-30 20:57:51 UTC
Post by Colonel Jake
:>:Edited for stupidity
:>Stupid is as stupid does, Forrest AHole Jazzycat!
:Bozo - you are a fucking asspipe. You make Col Jake look
:like a choir boy,
"I always knew?!?!?!,...., Father Tucker really did something
really bad to you!!! (dude with teh funny callsign)..."
(Jeff "Jazzycat" Noble, dreaming about choir boys)
:and believe me, he and I don't see things the same.
I would definitely?,
"Hope so!!!..."
:Fuck off and Die.. Have a nice gay day!!!!
And I just bet?,
"That you used to watch Bozo every morning before school,
and now loOk at you?!?!?! (Jazzycat),...., screedin'
on da'BoZo De Niro!!!..."
"If you're lucky Jazzycat?!?!?!,...., Bozo will second your
nomination for, this months AUK Award - Coward of the Month!!!..."
<NOMINATION thread found at 5/14/2008 10:12 PM>
<->----- Original Message -----
<->Newsgroups: rec.arts.marching.drumcorps,
<->Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 10:12 PM
<->Subject: NOMINATION: Coward of the Month - Jeffrey "Jazzycat" Noble
<->of RAMD (Re: Drum Corps Wiki - pretty good stuff)
</NOMINATION thread found at 5/14/2008 10:12 PM>
If Bozo does second teh NOMINATION?,
"Lets hope?!?!?!,...., he's smart enough, to reply/crosspost
it too, 'alt.usenet.kooks!!! (with teh word 'seconded' typed in
teh reply),' ...., cause we know that?!?!?!,....,
(isnt smart enough to second, an NOMINATION (he just poasts))..."

" R U baiting"ME" ?
Colonel Jake
2008-05-30 22:48:49 UTC
Rick_bari3 (at) ***@Gmail•ComByteME <***@gmail.com>
:Colonel Jake <***@comcast.net>
:>Jazzycat1 <***@msn.com>
:>:Bozo <***@37.com>
:>:>Jazzycat1 <***@msn.com>

<Snipped and Snecked for teh interest of this message>

:>"If you're lucky Jazzycat?!?!?!,...., Bozo will second your
:>nomination for, this months AUK Award - Coward of the Month!!!..."
:><NOMINATION thread found at 5/14/2008 10:12 PM>
:><->----- Original Message -----
:><->From: "Colonel Jake" <***@comcast.net>
:><->Newsgroups: rec.arts.marching.drumcorps,
:><->Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 10:12 PM
:><->Subject: NOMINATION: Coward of the Month - Jeffrey "Jazzycat" Noble
:><->of RAMD (Re: Drum Corps Wiki - pretty good stuff)
:></NOMINATION thread found at 5/14/2008 10:12 PM>
:>If Bozo does second teh NOMINATION?,
:>"Lets hope?!?!?!,...., he's smart enough, to reply/crosspost
:>it too, 'alt.usenet.kooks!!! (with teh word 'seconded' typed in
:>teh reply),' ...., cause we know that?!?!?!,....,
:>"Rick_bari3 (at) ***@Gmailï¿œComByteME" isnt!!!
:>(isnt smart enough to second, an NOMINATION (he just poasts))..."
:" R U baiting"ME" ?



You do?,
"Know how to second an Official AUK NOMINATION, right?!?!?!..."

"When poasters poast to an Official AUK NOMINATION thread?!?!?!,....,
they usually 'second' teh NOMINATION!!! (or even third it),...., or,
they reply to teh poaster who has already seconded teh NOMINATION (or
who has even thirded it),...., what do you do (Ricky Ricardo), when
you poast to an Official AUK NOMINATION thread?!?!?!..."
(there is a reason why teh threads Subject: line says "NOMINATION")

Some folken'poasters?,
"Just dont second/third Official AUK NOMINATIONS because?!?!?!,....,
they might be 'disenfranchised or democracy just isnt their thing,'
but they'll poast in teh NOMINATION threads anyways because?!?!?!,..,
who knows, is it because?!?!?!,...., they can?!?!?!..."

"I'm not baiting you?!?!?!,...., I'm just pointing out some of
USENET's Public Forums, USENETiquette!!! (and yes, anything goes,
but some things? are just 'too simple' (like (you (dont (already
(know (that (you (dinosauris)))))))))..."

"Nominate and or Second teh nominee (or third), and then?!?!?!,....,
'Piss all over them!!! (and dont forget to? VOTE).' .."

Hey Ricky?,
"I know you like SOUNDGARDEN!!!,...., so how'bout some,
Rolling Stones?!?!?! (Hell Yeah'ah)..."

"VideO Madness" "Rock & Roll Circus of 1968 - Rolling Stones!!!..."

COlOnel Jake Enterprises®


Colonel Jake'sters:

'Plain-Azzed-Texted' Signature - High Speed

'Plain-Azzed-Texted' Signature - Dialup

:And then some...

Order of Lenin for Usefulness

Official Alt.Usenet.KoOks der'KoOkshite

<it seems that? (http://club127.net/auk/) has been non-commissioned>
2008-06-01 00:43:16 UTC
Post by Bozo
Post by Jazzycat1
Edited for stupidity
Stupid is as stupid does, Forrest AHole Jazzycat!

***@Gmail•comBytME !"WRIGHTs:

... 'ME'Lingo®¿© ... iZ ...

(rËkoñ¿X=?) ®¿© --- " Deja-news® , makes 'ME' wanNAH Google® "
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯

jus' Google or Yahooo or Ask Jeeves or Ask.com or etc... ==>

its A-LONG_ASS_story....lots of reading if ya really want to
know ...heh !


Ricky Ricardo Clavejo (XboxRox=7) <== tilt yo' head 2 left & twat du
Ya Cee (see) ...heh !

Colonel Jake
2008-05-30 05:33:39 UTC
Bozo <***@37.com>
:>BoZo <***@37.com>
:>:Tommy Joe <***@bellsouth.net>
:>:>Bozo <***@37.com>
:>:>:One small step for Planet Joe ...
:>:>:One giant leap for Planet Bozo ...
:>:>:-Bozo, going where no clown has gone before-
:>:>I agree. Planet Joe is Bozo's moon.
:>:>Tommy Joe (I'm in orbit, man)
:>***@Gmail•comBytME !"WRIGHTs:
:>"Ya k'NO'w WHAT...
:>MUDder FUDders ? "
:>" Jo'w_HO ? "
:>( Jo_Ma"ME's !"...
:> BEE_ouch's !)
:>...Jo'culd B on"DCP"
:>(Jo, tw(j)atEVER,...
:>" BO... DO,nt k(NOW)
:> " Fckn'-A !"
:> (D-B"rat"=8)
:> .
:> .
:What the heck is ... BUTTden=7? and (D-B"rat"=8) and (ANDthen=7)

BUTTden=7? = but then again?

(D-B"rat"=8) = teh brat, later

(ANDthen=7) = and then again

BO... = Bozo


:I ran it back and forth thru pentagon encryption and they don't
:know what the fuck it is either.

! s33 wh4t y0u m34n.

The only way?,
"To understand it is?!?!?!,...., by holding your tongue,
while you read it!!!..."

"VideO Madness" "Nurse with Wound!!!..."

COlOnel Jake Enterprises®


Colonel Jake'sters:

'Plain-Azzed-Texted' Signature - High Speed

'Plain-Azzed-Texted' Signature - Dialup

:And then some...

Order of Lenin for Usefulness

Official Alt.Usenet.KoOks der'KoOkshite
2008-06-01 00:48:33 UTC
Post by Bozo
Post by Rick_bari3(at)***@Gmail•ComByteME
One small step for Planet Joe ...
One giant leap for Planet Bozo ...
-Bozo, going where no clown has gone before-
� � �I agree. �Planet Joe is Bozo's moon.
Tommy Joe �(I'm in orbit, man)
"Ya k'NO'w WHAT...
MUDder FUDders ? "
  " Jo'w_HO ? "
( Jo_Ma"ME's !"...
  BEE_ouch's !)
...Jo'culd B on"DCP"
(Jo, tw(j)atEVER,...
" BO... DO,nt k(NOW)
  " Fckn'-A !"
What the heck is ... BUTTden=7? and (D-B"rat"=8) and (ANDthen=7)
I ran it back and forth thru pentagon encryption and they don't know
what the fuck it is either.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -

***@Gmail•comBytME !"WRIGHTs:

... 'ME'Lingo®¿© ... iZ ...

(rËkoñ¿X=?) ®¿© --- " Deja-news® , makes 'ME' wanNAH Google® "
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯

jus' Google or Yahooo or Ask Jeeves or Ask.com or etc... ==>

its A-LONG_ASS_story....lots of reading if ya really want to
know ...heh !


Ricky Ricardo Clavejo (XboxRox=7) <== tilt yo' head 2 left & twat du
Ya Cee (see) ...heh !

2008-06-01 01:04:42 UTC
Stupid as always
Chicken Little Sr
2008-06-01 02:05:10 UTC
Post by Jazzycat1
Stupid as always
Yes, we are painfully aware of you every time you perform here on AUK

"Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege."
2008-06-01 23:36:01 UTC
Post by Bozo
Post by Rick_bari3(at)***@Gmail•ComByteME
One small step for Planet Joe ...
One giant leap for Planet Bozo ...
-Bozo, going where no clown has gone before-
� � �I agree. �Planet Joe is Bozo's moon.
Tommy Joe �(I'm in orbit, man)
"Ya k'NO'w WHAT...
MUDder FUDders ? "
  " Jo'w_HO ? "
( Jo_Ma"ME's !"...
  BEE_ouch's !)
...Jo'culd B on"DCP"
(Jo, tw(j)atEVER,...
" BO... DO,nt k(NOW)
  " Fckn'-A !"
What the heck is ... BUTTden=7? and (D-B"rat"=8) and (ANDthen=7)
I ran it back and forth thru pentagon encryption and they don't know
what the fuck it is either.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -

***@yahoo.com wRIGHTS:


SIGNED, ***@yahoo.comByte"ME"

2008-06-02 13:53:17 UTC
Edited for stupidity
