Countdown results <George "Fluty" Maloney, RAMD ASSWIPE BRIGADE, Asswipe #2>
(too old to reply)
Colonel Jake
2009-05-28 07:59:14 UTC
George "Fluty" Maloney <***@msn.com> Asswipe #2
: Colonel Jake <***@comcast.net>
: >
: >
: > George "Fluty" Maloney <***@msn.com> Asswipe #2
: > :
: > :
: > : Colonel Jake <***@comcast.net>
: > : >
: > : >
: > : > George "Fluty" Maloney <***@msn.com> Asswipe #2
: > <(http://www.kookpedia.net/index.php/George_%22Fluty1%22_Mahoney)
: > : > :
: > : > :
: > : > : David White <***@att.net>
: > : > : >
: > : > : >
: > : > : > Charlie Groh <***@dslextremerage.com>
: > : > : > :
: > : > : > :
: > : > : > : Stu <***@juno.com>
: > : > : > : >
: > : > : > : >
: > : > : > : > Sharon "sharcast" Castigliego <***@aol.com>
: > : > : > : > :
: > : > : > : > :

<snipped for brevity>

: > : > : >
: > : > : > cg,
: > : > : >
: > : > : > I have to laugh a bit when I read and hear the
: > : > : > complaints about todays Drum Corps not being "real"
: > : > : > Drum Corps. I heard the same griping 25 years ago from
: > : > : > the generations that came before us. According to my
: > : > : > step-father (who was involved with DC from the end of
: > : > : > WWII thru the late 70's), we were not real DC in the
: > : > : > 1970's
: > : > : >
: > : > :
: > : > : Exactly...I've been hearing it since 1968...41 years later
: > : > : and the beat goes on...;} There is something for
: > : > : everyone...JR... SR..Alumni...All ages(DCA)...fife
: > : > : corps...combination corps...pipe bands...marching
: > : > : bands...etc...Find the one that floats your boat, get in
: > : > : and row.
: > : > : George
: > : > :
: > : >
: > : > That!,
: > : > "Was 'Pretty GoOd!!! (cg).' .."
: > : > (care to write more, Charlie)
: > : >
: > : > *talk about hi-jacking? a friggin'poast!*
: > : >
: > :
: > : It's called conversation...;]
: > : George
: > :
: >
: > Perhaps?,
: > "'A Burglurized Conversation!!!,' ...., if you loOk above at
: > David White's poast?!?!?!,...., it clearly states 'cg,'
: > before he starts writing (to him), but you're (George), are
: > probably toO FUCKING-SToOPID to realize that David's
: > poast?!?!?!,...., was pertaining to Charlie,
: > and not you!!! (DUMBAZZ-KoOK)..."
: >
: > GoD!,
: > "How can any FUCKING Contractor?!?!?! (George Maloney),....,
: > be so FUCKING-SToOPID?!?!?! (It's called conversation...;])..."
: >
: > *isnt a poast easier to understand? than blueprints?*
: > (not when George? burglurized it!)
: >
: > --
: >
: > Colonel Jake - Teh Conversationalist
: I'm sorry you're too slow to keep up jackoff...I was adding
: to the conversation...try sort by date to catch up...or
: STFU...whatever works for your punkass...;}
: George

OK! (fr00ty-FUCK),
"You really are an SToOPID-IGNoRANT-CoNTRACToR!!!,...., thats
to chickenshit and pigheaded to admit your FUCKING-FAULTS!!!..."
(how many jobs? have you FUCKED-UP and blamed on others)

Got any?,
"Obama-Handouts lately!!! (gubermint-cheeze-whiz)..."

Just not toO long ago?,
"You fr00ty?!?!?!,...., was 'BITCHING' about President Bush,
but ever since President Obama toOk office?!?!?!,...., not a
FUCKING-PEEP outta you!!! (whats wrong? feelin' ashamed)..."

Way things are going?,
"fr00ty will lose all his?!?!?!,...., gubermint-contracts!!!..."
(then we'll see who teh punkazz? really is)

10 more minutes?,
"fr00ty-FUCK!!! (and get them ankles? up to teh knees)..."
(Freelancers Drum & Bugle Corps (all covered in shit))

learn more ---->

<fr00ty's 1st RAMD poast:>
<> ----- fr00ty's 1st RAMD poast -----
<> From: ***@msn.com (george maloney)
<> Newsgroups: rec.arts.marching.drumcorps
<> Subject: Re: 13th place corps...
<> Date: 31 Jul 2001 15:47:46 -0700
<> NNTP-Posting-Host:
<> Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>
<> <(http://tinyurl.com/fr00tys-1st-RAMD-poast)>
<> :
<> :
<> : I marched/aged out freelancers 78. The Kilts went coed
<> : that year(to keep from folding) and HUMMM edged us out
<> : in prelims. What a heart breaker. We didn't see that
<> : one comming. 13th sucks so does 2nd. Worst two spots
<> : to place.
<> :
</fr00ty's 1st RAMD poast:>

George "Fluty" Maloney <***@msn.com>
:><>:> Well jackoff...most D&BC buses didn't have a "pot" back in
:><>:> my JR. Corps days...so we just pissed on people like you
:><>:> instead...;] All night long...every night on tour. Yes... I
:><>:> remember it well...;]
:><>:I mean? (did you read above),
:><>:"How George?!?!?!,...., disgraces his very own
:><>:Drumcorps by pissing all over everybody on teh bus!!!..."
:><>:(acting like FAGGoTS)
:I said on people like you...get it right...;]

Whatever? (George),
"It still admits?!?!?!,...., that you Freelancers,
pissed all over teh inside of your buses, even if like you
admitted?!?!?!,...., just pissing on corps members like me,
totally implies that, when your pissing?!?!?!,...., not all
of it is going to land on your victims, e.g. alot of it,
is going to spill off teh victim and or spray else where,....,
so by doing what you Freelancers do best?!?!?!,...., I'm most
positive, that you Freelancers also?!?!?!,...., took craps
anywhere on them buses also, so, i.e. if thats most definitely
the case?!?!?!,...., then RAMD (and the rest of teh Drumcorps
World),...., can assume?!?!?!,...., that teh members of
The Freelancers Drum & Bugle Corps, were a bunch of

*fr00ty having FAGGoT orgies? all covered in shit*

I'm glad to have?,
"Now learned of this?!?!?!,...., because George?!?!?!,....,
when I was on 'Tour of 1979?!?!?!,' ...., I remember partying
a couple of times after some shows with teh Freelancers, they
(The Freelancers), would come over and 'flirt' with alot of
The Velvet Knight Chicks (cause our chicks were so hot
loOking),...., and sometimes?!?!?!,...., I couldve sworn that
you guys were full of gas or something, but now I know?!?!,..,
you Freelancers were all just, 'covered in shit!!!.' .."
(Connecticut? is probably a goOd place for you George)

Where everybody is?,
"All covered in shit!!!..."

:HaHaHa ```````''' {°v°} '''ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ
:VK all the way ```````''' {°v°} '''ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ
:Colonel Jake™ ```````''' {°v°} '''ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ



Contact <mailto:***@coloneljake.com>

:AUK: Goofy Azzed Babboon, Sep 05
`^'^Ž (http://www.coloneljake.com/pages/page001/)
:AUK: Unabomber Surprise, Apr 06
`^'^Ž (http://www.coloneljake.com/pages/page002/)
:AUK: Bolo Bullis Foam Duck #20, Apr 06
`^'^Ž (http://www.coloneljake.com/pages/page003/)
:AUK: Bob Allisat Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, May 06
`^'^Ž (http://www.coloneljake.com/pages/page004/)
:AUK: Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, May 06
`^'^Ž trained by Pinku-Sensei <mailto:pinku-***@caballista.org>
:AUK: Tinfoil Sombrero, Feb 07
`^'^Ž (http://www.coloneljake.com/pages/page011/)
:AUK: Office of Illucidus Maximus, Dec 07
`^'^Ž (http://www.coloneljake.com/pages/page014/)
:AUK: Pardon & Franchise Restored, Apr 08
`^'^Ž (http://www.coloneljake.com/pages/page018/)
:AUK: The Order of Lenin for Usefulness, Apr 08
`^'^Ž (http://www.coloneljake.com/pages/page017/)

»»»xXx««« ko( o )kY b( O )ogers »»»xXx«««

:AUK: Official Alt.Usenet.KoOks der'KoOkshite
`^'^Ž (http://www.kookpedia.net/index.php/Alt.usenet.kooks)

Nada???,...., ain't got shite from AFA-B yet ???
«,» AUK's der'any RAMD'sters go home «,»

®©2009 Colonel Jake Enterprises, L.L.C.
Colonel Jake™ is a registered trademark
of Colonel Jake Enterprises, L.L.C.
All rights reserved.


I'll say whatever I flockin' want!!!



"The Freelancers Drum & Bugle Corps!!!..."
(are Homosexual Coprophiliacs (all covered in? shit))

:And then some...

"What teh FUCK?!?!?!,...., is that smell?!?!?! (GoDDAMNIT)..."
(thats? The Freelancers Drum & Bugle Corps, who else?)

"Loud & Stinking Proud!!!..."

<RAMD *rec.arts.marching.drumcorps* ASSWIPE BRIGADE:>
<>Jeffrey "Jazzycat" Noble <***@gmail.com> Asswipe #1
<> (http://www.kookpedia.net/index.php/Jeff_Noble)
<>George "Fluty" Maloney <***@msn.com> Asswipe #2
<> (http://www.kookpedia.net/index.php/George_%22Fluty1%22_Mahoney)
<>Gary "Two Gay" Duguay <***@sbcglobal.net> Asswipe #3
<> (http://www.kookpedia.net/index.php/Gary_Duguay)
</RAMD *rec.arts.marching.drumcorps* ASSWIPE BRIGADE:>

<from Teh BoOk of Colonel Jake'ster>

Colonel Jake 3:1 - "Thats for GoDDAMNED sure!!!..."
Colonel Jake
2009-05-28 23:10:20 UTC
George "Fluty" Maloney <***@msn.com> Asswipe #2
: "Colonel Jake" Got plonked again...;]

Oh lo(o )ky k( O)oky here? (fr00ty),
"You're just teh koOk!!!,....,
who just koOked, himself out!!!..."
(you probably had veins popping out'da'side? of your head)

*better go get that head checked! YoU KoOK*

Hey George?,
"Did you see teh news today?!?!?! (yeah'man),...., there
was an Connecticutian today who shot his wife, dialed 911,
pleaded that he was sorry?!?!?! (crying teh whole time? like
a little FUCKING-BITCH),...., then he shot himself!!!..."
(and I even expected maybe that teh suicide-killer? was you)

*goOd'ole? Connecticut*

Glad you're?,
"Still with us!!!..."

*May Bob have mercy? on fr00ty's soul*
