Drms buying question
(too old to reply)
Bad Disciple
2004-09-16 12:30:47 UTC
Hello all cool drumres,

Not being a drumer, I have a question.
I and a friend build a high quality home studio.
We need to put good drums in it for polyvalent use.
(Drums only, not cymbals - drummers bring their own.)
A shop made us a proposition for the following models:
Yamaha Maple Custom
Gretsch Renown Maple

Which one is to be preffered (as polyvalent) ?

Warm thnx,
Bad Disciple
"Y o u a r e w h a t y o u k n o w"
Jimmy Fenno
2004-09-16 18:22:37 UTC
Post by Bad Disciple
Hello all cool drumres,
Not being a drumer, I have a question.
I and a friend build a high quality home studio.
We need to put good drums in it for polyvalent use.
(Drums only, not cymbals - drummers bring their own.)
Yamaha Maple Custom
Gretsch Renown Maple
Which one is to be preffered (as polyvalent) ?
Warm thnx,
Recommend you look at used Yamaha Recording Customs or any high end
BIRCH kit - these seem to work better in the studio. But between the 2
I would avoid the Gretsch imports (renown is one).
John Riolo/amdrumparts
2004-09-17 23:23:35 UTC
If you can't spell you may not be able to count to four which is essential.