Will somebody PLEASE get "me" (ME is ?) this course... of coarse...
(too old to reply)
2008-06-10 23:45:20 UTC
I do want to be a Hollywoood director.
Please sponsor me.
-Bozo de Laurentiis-
,;: -X` o` :::
,::'; .--(_)-.:::.
:::::( _ w_ )::::. `:'`' \_____/ ;'`';_
\\\\U/// \

"Please sponsor "ME" ??? ... says, BOzZzoOHOeo
_____ / _
/sHOEi\ / (@)
/=======\ /*\
\\\®¿©/// /\/_*_\/\
\==o==/ / (*oX) \ ...Uh, duh...Yea..
\___/ \ \(=)/ /
|| '-/vvv\-' ...Twat He said...
/)¯¯V¯¯(\ /| * |\
|)ME's/w|) (%{=*=}%) ...whatever ....
|!Bozo->|| ( v )

" hEY, IT'S "me", "ME"self, AND "I" ...

/\\ /\
/'^\( ^((^'^\/\
//~~\ ________AND THEN, ("ME"DIScriptIvoiceRAPz_sam_KINnl_sin
/~~~~~~~~~~~LOUD_AIR'O'gent? AZzO_L.A."ME".azShCAR_casTICK ;>)
/ \\
/ /\ /\ \ -HIGH-pitched-HARRy, LUEdAcrisT, ... etc.)
{ /|X\( )/XX\ |
| \XX@^@XX/ |
_ / \_/ \_/ \ _ ... NOW... R Ya' Xskin' (Asskin) "ME"
/ v/ ( ) \v \
|' ) \_/ , ( '| 2 sponsor "ME" ... cuz, I am (ME) iZ
|| | , /; | ||
\_( /#@%@#@_=/#@| )_/ "ME" and "U" iZ (twatEVER ?) BUTT,
-_ \ |@#@@%@%'##/' /
\\\_\ #%$/###;/ / if "U" want to really sponsor
"ME" ...denZit
\\\'\ @%\%@%-' /'
'\_\\-=________=- okay by "ME"self & I 2 ...ETC. GET "I.T" ?"
\_ \ | |
\ \ | | ... if Ya DOnt GET "I.T" ?" ...
\ /-----\---__
_/"ME"(3)\_ ) Ya jus' DO'nt GET "I.T" ?"...
/ YRS Brat \ \
(=============) / "GET "I.T" ?"
as in terrible 3's
U turn "ME"on, AND
"ME"well, being 3 . . . F c k ' n - H E H ! ! !
don't haveA
clue WTF
I.T.really "ME"ans;>) "Don't STOP,thinkn'about2morrow" ;>)
[Named Dat Tune & Artist=FleetWUDmac]

"I.T." is also (FISHdik=?) "Fck'n-Heh !"


***@Gmail•comBytME !"WRIGHTs:
... 'ME'Lingo®¿© ... iZ ...
(rËkoñ¿X=?) ®¿© --- " Deja-news® , makes 'ME' wanNAH Google® "
. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯
jus'Google or Yahooo or Ask Jeeves or Ask.com or etc...tw(j)hatEVER,
==> (rËkoñ¿X=?)
its A-LONG_ASS_story....lots of reading if ya really want to
know ..."Fck'n-Heh !"
Ricky Ricardo Clavejo (XboxRox=7) <== tilt yo' head 2 left & twat du
Ya Cee (see) ..."Fck'n-Heh !"

"(ANDtHEN=7)" > . <
~~~~~~U~N~D~E~R~~~~~C~U~R~R~E~N~T~~~~~C~O~N~D~I~T~I~O~N~S ~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yO' LOST YO MARBLES~~~~\_{~m~}~~~~~~~/~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 LEARN DRILL !~~~~|~\~~/\~~/~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...EVER !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º> ~~~~~
¸,.,¸.´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>·.. ><((((º>`~~
:And THEN, sum . . . MO ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
. oh, yeah ...

<.> " fo' JazzZzy1_&_ONLY_puSZZzzyCAT ! "

2008-06-11 01:44:09 UTC
Post by ***@gmail.com
I do want to be a Hollywoood director.
Please sponsor me.
-Bozo de Laurentiis-
,::'; .--(_)-.:::.
:::::( _ w_ )::::. `:'`' \_____/ ;'`';_
\\\\U/// \
"Please sponsor "ME" ??? ... says, BOzZzoOHOeo
_____ / _
/=======\ /*\
\\\®¿©/// /\/_*_\/\
\==o==/ / (*oX) \ ...Uh, duh...Yea..
\___/ \ \(=)/ /
|| '-/vvv\-' ...Twat He said...
/)¯¯V¯¯(\ /| * |\
|)ME's/w|) (%{=*=}%) ...whatever ....
|!Bozo->|| ( v )
" hEY, IT'S "me", "ME"self, AND "I" ...
/\\ /\
/'^\( ^((^'^\/\
//~~\ ________AND THEN, ("ME"DIScriptIvoiceRAPz_sam_KINnl_sin
/~~~~~~~~~~~LOUD_AIR'O'gent? AZzO_L.A."ME".azShCAR_casTICK ;>)
/ \\
/ /\ /\ \ -HIGH-pitched-HARRy, LUEdAcrisT, ... etc.)
{ /|X\( )/XX\ |
_ / \_/ \_/ \ _ ... NOW... R Ya' Xskin' (Asskin) "ME"
/ v/ ( ) \v \
|' ) \_/ , ( '| 2 sponsor "ME" ... cuz, I am (ME) iZ
|| | , /; | ||
\\\_\ #%$/###;/ / if "U" want to really sponsor
"ME" ...denZit
'\_\\-=________=- okay by "ME"self & I 2 ...ETC. GET "I.T" ?"
\_ \ | |
\ \ | | ... if Ya DOnt GET "I.T" ?" ...
\ /-----\---__
_/"ME"(3)\_ ) Ya jus' DO'nt GET "I.T" ?"...
/ YRS Brat \ \
(=============) / "GET "I.T" ?"
as in terrible 3's
U turn "ME"on, AND
"ME"well, being 3 . . . F c k ' n - H E H ! ! !
don't haveA
clue WTF
I.T.really "ME"ans;>) "Don't STOP,thinkn'about2morrow" ;>)
[Named Dat Tune & Artist=FleetWUDmac]
"I.T." is also (FISHdik=?) "Fck'n-Heh !"
... 'ME'Lingo®¿© ... iZ ...
(rËkoñ¿X=?) ®¿© --- " Deja-news® , makes 'ME' wanNAH Google® "
. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯
jus'Google or Yahooo or Ask Jeeves or Ask.com or etc...tw(j)hatEVER,
==> (rËkoñ¿X=?)
its A-LONG_ASS_story....lots of reading if ya really want to
know ..."Fck'n-Heh !"
Ricky Ricardo Clavejo (XboxRox=7) <== tilt yo' head 2 left & twat du
Ya Cee (see) ..."Fck'n-Heh !"
"(ANDtHEN=7)" > . <
~~~~~~U~N~D~E~R~~~~~C~U~R~R~E~N~T~~~~~C~O~N~D~I~T~I~O~N~S ~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yO' LOST YO MARBLES~~~~\_{~m~}~~~~~~~/~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 LEARN DRILL !~~~~|~\~~/\~~/~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...EVER !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º> ~~~~~
¸,.,¸.´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>·.. ><((((º>`~~
:And THEN, sum . . . MO ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
. oh, yeah ...
<.> " fo' JazzZzy1_&_ONLY_puSZZzzyCAT ! "
Wow JaXXy JazzZzy whatever you call your clown self ... even under
fixed-font that Jackson Pollack approach to writing don't make much
sense to me ... but since you're a starving street artist, I'm gonna
do you one and try reading it again using Braille ... I'll get back to
you ... don't hold your breath though.


