Here is true to life and turned into comedy post from Mobile Audit Club.
I would also like to remind young men and women not to serve in the USA
military or their murderous allies under the current regime. They are doing
forced injections and experiments on veterans and killing innocent bank
examiners and attacking them. It is for all of the money. On with the true
comedy from Page Love Line 7 at Mobile Audit Club, with other info and
videos at the site regarding the American Holocaust.
Segment May 13, 2008:
Comedy, in the spirit of the movie Pulp Fiction(Youtube video link),
I have a similar incident in which I interviewed a prick bank President who
had made over $1 million on the books at a rather small bank while I was a
federal FDIC bank examiner employee. I picture myself as John Trovolta
sent in on the fly to peak the wise guy. I picture the black guy, my
favorite bank examiner partner, emulated in the form of Jules Samuel
Johnson, from the film talking to Brad the bank president.
Jules to the Bank President Brad: "Um Um Brad, it must feel good to be bank
president, and look at all of the money you make on the books at this little
bank." "Damn, pardon IT, I thought we were just small time farm bank
examiners. Do you remember our old friend, the FDIC regional director who
was murdered and labeled suicide before that mass of shit was put in San
Francisco by the big F-DIC D.C. Dicks?"
Brad hesitant: "Yeah, Yeah I remember"
John Travolta, as myself, another former FDIC bank examiner pushed out by
the incoming mob boss regional FDIC director, talking to Jules and Brad:
"Look's like that F-DIC cock is making you sweat Brad. If I didn't know
better by that macadamia nut head shape, I would think you were part Chinese
Porcelain Chicken"
Jules pulls gun and points to Brad: "Get those pants off slowly".
Brad: "Why? I don't want to."
Jules shoots Brad in the knee and Jules says: " For I will send into her
pestilence, and blood into her streets; and the wounded shall be judged in
the midst of her by the sword upon her on every side; and they shall know
that I am the LORD." "Do you know Ezekiel Chapter 28 verse 23 Brad?"
Brad in agony: "No!"
John: "It looks to me like he is sweating like a Chinese Porcelain Chicken"
Jules: "Perhaps a rooster at a piggy bag hold up is what we need? That is
what they call it when the money launderers come to their destiny, their
destiny as roasted chicken sausage at a piggy bag hold up? Do you know the
music video, Easy Come Easy Go by Lee Wiley(Youtube link)
Brad?" "Her granddaughter was an invalid and we fell in love. It did not
matter because I could not support her or pay for her up-keep. Do you know
why I could not support her on my honest day's wage with a shovel in my
Brad: "NO? "You weren't well paid?"
Jules: "Close Brad. You see, the federal war crimes syndicates in the
treasury, and mercurial slime like you in the banking business who are only
in it for the negative capitalists profit, regardless of consequences,
ruined my dinner. Because after paying rent and taxes there was nothing left
for dinner for the both of us on my positive capitalist income. I had dug my
own grave and now I crawled out of it. If you die Brad, the avenging angel
has left the rest up to you."
John Travolta: "Brad, where is the piggy bank account Brad? What are the
routing and account numbers or do we have to gig it out of you?"
Brad: "Wait, one minute fellas, I put it down with last weeks laundry list,
I will give you both, just leave me alone"
Jules: "John look at Brad, do you hear that, with the laundry list! While
you get that laundry list, do you mind if I try some of your potted meat and
Brad: It is French, it is Pate, help yourself.
Jules: "This is delicious. It kind of tastes like tripe and that fags penis
we ate for dinner at the San Francisco F-DIC EEOC office. Nobody would eat
it down except for Pate."
John: "Have you ever tasted a Sueet F-DIC treat Brad?" "We stomped it real
good, kind of like an eel or abalone?"
John: "Look at all of those numbers in those accounts. This guy has more
money than my entire family."
Jules: "Had!"
Jules: "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? ~ That
one is from Corinthians"
Brad: "Oh my God! Oh my God"
Scene: Jules and John strip down Brad and carve the initials FDIC into his
penis with a razor and some ink obtained from the Los Angeles County bus
tattoo guy. To be continued when I uncover the sequence of things and
events leading to the true murder of an FDIC director and the capturing of
those who profited from his murder and the attacks on my life and my demise
as an accountant and bank examiner and contributor in the political process
of this damned falling nation.