2008-05-06 08:31:45 UTC
Hobo Kelly was a hottie. �You ever 'do' her?
No offense Ollie but it's getting harder for me to decode andappreciate (much less laugh at) the tightly encrypted humor you
sometimes post here. Maybe its cuz I'm history impaired. If so maybe
you should lay hints to readers when to Google. Not that I'm
complaining or anything. Gawd knows you've seen the labor of love I've
put into some of the giants of comedy here like Chappy, Chautty and
the Colon but I can only tutor so much, and I'd rather have something
than nothing.
Hobo Kelly = Sally Baker = Scary
And I wasn't alive back then; it's amazing what the Internet can sear
into a brain...
can't skip... Watz
Dis (hard-on=?) U
(spEEKof=?) NOW
(Bmember=7) "ME's"
Jus' (3yrSOLD=7)
"ME" (HARDlee=7)
kNOWs (NOthing=?)
(So Dis IZ=7) kinda'
(HARD4me=7) butt,
"ME" duz kNOw when
Dis gets HARD ...
"ITs" (definte=?)ly
...HARD! (Sumtimz=?)
"IT" getSO HARD..
"ME" (hardLEE=7)
gets! [Well, "ME"
DO,nt (Bmember=7)
(BUT then=7)
stILL (az STILL az
"IT" gets)...its
HARD 2 say how HARD
"IT" gets (even tho
"ME" jus' said "IT")
Y'al get "ME" drift?
Itz (kNOTdat=?) HARD
2 kNOw t(j)at "ME's"
sayin' BUTt, if"ITs"
dat HARD, its HaRD!
...COMmON $cents...
"ME" too find "ITs"
HARD @t timez butt,
"ME" DOn't let "IT"
bother "ME"..."ITs"
NOT dat "HARD" 2
...(realLEE=7) sum
ti"MEs" when "ME"
getUP (wakeUP) in d'
(MOrning=7) its SO
"HARD"..."ME" has
difficulty (BIGword)
=7 ...(turning=7)
over...Hey ! Do Y'al
have dat HARDti"ME"
too ! ;>)
(Namedis=?) tune:
"ITs" been A HARD
Daze Night" ...