w(ay) O.T. : WARNING...DO NOT READ... This is ONLY a TEST ...;>)
(too old to reply)
2008-01-13 16:26:51 UTC
Man ! ... Damn a$$scii art !!! m ... its pizzn' ME OFF !

...here ME go again ... ;<(
    to Archeive ( "i" before "e" except after "Cee")...uh, Archieve
    in 6 days ( "7"...including today ;>)...blah, blah, blah...etc.
( The GROUP ME's posting to IZ a Usenet Group. Messages posted
to "DIS" Group WILL make "ME" email address visible to ANYONE,
ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE...etc.  on de  Hoe_fRICKn' "Internet" ! ;>)
DO NOT [click] "Options" (right corner of Title area in Google
"AND THEN", DO NOT [click] proportional text fixed font
                                          (fo' asScii_art :<)
# From: Sis
# Subject: Re:Holiday Cheer
# Date: 2007-12-23 15:52:55
### >
### >

### >
### > This is SO cute!!
### >
### > Merry Christmas!!
### > NanciD
### >
### >
# That was great!  Didn't miss "the door" at all!
# Merry Christmas!
# Jackie
...3rd grade ... hmmmmmmm, "Whoops Der IT IZ !(#3 ME NumBerology BD#;>)
Yo' Sis [& NanciD] ,
THIS IS A TEST ... AND ONLY, A TEST ...blah blah blah ... etc.  ;>)
            /\\  /\
       /'^\( ^((^'^\/\
       //~~\  ________\\
       /               \\      H  A  Y  !   it'z   "I" . . .
       /   /\     /\   \
       {  /|X\( )/XX\  |       I DID NOT GET ME, MESELF, & I
   _  /     \_/ \_/     \  _   EVEN, B 4, EYE_THER YOU GUYS.
  / v/       (   )       \v \
  |' )        \_/     ,   ( '|          Get it ?  Get it ?
  || |    ,          /;   | ||
   \\\_\   #%$/###;/    /       ya jus'don't get it...
     '\_\\-=________=-         Get it ?  Get it ?
        \_ \  |   |
          \ \ |   |           Get it ? ... etc.
           \ /-----\---__
           _/  (3)  \_   )      ^          ^
          /  YRS Brat \  \      |  Seven ! | (step way back & Cee ;>)
         (=============) /         =====
AND THEN,  . . .  [ a BLAST ... from de past !  ;?) ]
  \\\\\\\                           /\
  ////___)                         \\ \
  //      >      ____|_mm________/ \/ / / Sr. Pc Design CAD Specialist
  //   (  }(|==/ __________   __/ /   \//\ Sun Microsystems MS MTV9-40
 // |   __)   / /   | |    \ \  \//\   / / Mountain View, CA (vizITME)
    /  /_    | |    |=|     | |  / / /\ / (415) 336-7323(call ANYtiME)
   /     \    \ \_mm_-___ _/ /    / \\ \
  |    \__________(_/               \/
  |        |
  [baritone]    "Commodores DCI 1973"
  Disclaimer - SMCC Inc.  doesn't know of or share MY opinions.
®¿© -- " Deja-news® , makes wanna Google® "
2008-01-13 23:09:13 UTC
I just have to say this. You are even more idiotic in your posts than
our own Col Jake! What in the fuck are you talking about? - Scratch
that - juat go away ..
Colonel Jake
2008-01-14 01:11:53 UTC
"Jazzycat1" <***@msn.com> wrote in message news:5daab017-c13c-42cd-845f-***@c23g2000hsa.googlegroups.com...
: I just have to say this. You are even more idiotic in your posts than
: our own Col Jake! What in the fuck are you talking about? - Scratch
: that - juat go away ..

Just click?,
"On'dem'links in those <***@yahoo.com> ascii arts pics,
and see if dem'be actual programs..."
2008-01-15 09:13:17 UTC
Post by Colonel Jake
: I just have to say this. You are even more idiotic in your posts than
: OUR OWN Col Jake!<==(What in the fuck) are you talking about? -Scratch
: that - juat go away ..
Just click?,
and see if dem'be actual programs..."
heh . . . ;>) :>) ;>) duh¿ ....uh¿ ...DOH ! ("U" Da
MAN !! ;>) ;>) ;>)

Yo' Colon_NULL_JAKe !;) ...it's O.K... everyone,
everywhere, ...etc.
was 2 " WARNING: DO NOT READ " [as per Subject Title ] ;>) ;>) ;>)
...obViou_SLY¿ <Jazzycat1 (ME_OW!)<jeffreyNO(juat?)***@msn.com>...
unKNOWinglee, inADDveRANTlee, unCONscienceTiOuSLY...
compLIED ! ;>) ;>)

...GET IT¿ ...IF Ya don't GET IT...Ya jus' DO'nt GET IT !...GET IT

(WARNING: DO NOT ! ...read next line careFULLy)

@N Jan 14, 11:69:69 pms, ***@yahoo.com wROTe: (read ALL
Post by Colonel Jake
I just have to say "this". You are even MOre idio'TIC' in your posts than
"OUR OWN Col JAKe!"<---(What in the fuck) are you talking about? - Scratch
that - juat go away ..
^^^^---"tW_juat U Say ...o'...SAY Tw_JUAT ? ("a" iz nxt 2
"s"...AND THEN, even next 2 "z"... add all 3 up & you get "ASZ" ;-)

WARNING: DO NOT ! READ (carefully'n'throughly...asZ suggUest in
subject TITLE...;>)

***@yahoo.com wROTe:

...The A.F.K.As ***@drumcorp.Eng.Sun.com NOW "ME" wishes NOT
to Archeive ( "i" before "e" except after "Cee") ...uh, Archieve
in 6 days ( "7" ...including today ;>) ... blah, blah,
blah ...etc.

in Reference to :


( The GROUP ME's posting to IZ a Usenet Group. Messages posted
to "DIS" Group WILL make "ME" email address visible to ANYONE,
ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE...etc. on de Hoe_fRICKn' "Internet" ! ;>)

DO NOT [click] "Options" (right corner of Title area in Google
"AND THEN", DO NOT [click] proportional text fixed font
(fo' asScii_art :<)

## From: Sis
## Subject: Re:Holiday Cheer
## Date: 2007-12-23 15:52:55

## NanciD wrote:

## > A Drum Corps guy taught his third graders this:
## > http://youtu.be/s-3DT_M1auQ
## >
## > This is SO cute!!
## >
## > Merry Christmas!!
## > NanciD
## That was great! Didn't miss "the door" at all!
## Merry Christmas!
## Jackie

...3rd grade ... hmmmmmmm, "Whoops Der IT (#3 ME NumBerology #;>)

Yo' Sis [& NanciD] ,

THIS IS A TEST ... AND ONLY, A TEST ...blah blah blah ... etc. ;>)

/\\ /\
/'^\( ^((^'^\/\
//~~\ ________\\
/ \\ H A Y ! it'z "I" . . .
/ /\ /\ \
{ /|X\( )/XX\ | I DID NOT GET ME, MESELF, & I
| \XX@^@XX/ |
_ / \_/ \_/ \ _ EVEN, B 4, EYE_THER YOU GUYS.
/ v/ ( ) \v \
|' ) \_/ , ( '| Get it ? Get it ?
|| | , /; | ||
\_( /#@%@#@_=/#@| )_/ if ya don't get it...
-_ \ |@#@@%@%'##/' /
\\\_\ #%$/###;/ / ya jus'don't get it...
\\\'\ @%\%@%-' /'
'\_\\-=________=- Get it ? Get it ?
\_ \ | |
\ \ | | Get it ? ... etc.
\ /-----\---__
_/ I (3) \_ ) ^ ^
/ YRS Brat \ \ | Seven ! | ..."jus' step way back &
(=============) / =====
as in terrible 3's

AND THEN, . . . [ a "BLAST" ... from de past ! ;?) ]
^^^^^...as in Cook'n ;>)"StarWar" Days) Google

\\\\\\\ /\
////___) \\ \
///@ O - \ \\ / Richardo R. Clavejo
// > ____|_mm________/ \/ / / Sr. Pc Design CAD
// ( }(|==/ __________ __/ / \//\ Sun Microsystems MS
// | __) / / | | \ \ \//\ / / Mountain View,
/ /_ | | |=| | | / / /\ / (415) 336-7323 (call
/ \ \ \_mm_-___ _/ / / \\ \
/ \ )----\___~))=(@)__/ \ \
| \__________(_/ ^ \/ <
| | |valve'n'rotar \___"can U Cee de SUN logo ?"
[baritone] "Commodores DCI Finalist 1973"
Disclaimer - SMCC Inc. doesn't know of or share MY opinions.

®¿© -- " Deja-news® , makes 'ME' wanna Google® "

·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>
¸,.,¸.´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>
:And THEN, sum . . . MO ...
`^'^´``·.. ><º))))><`·.¸¸.·´¯`><º))))><´¯`·...¸><º))))><>·´
Crime Scene Cleanup
2008-01-15 09:35:22 UTC
Post by Colonel Jake
: I just have to say this. You are even more idiotic in your posts than
: OUR OWN Col Jake!<==(What in the fuck) are you talking about? -Scratch
: that - juat go away ..
Just click?,
and see if dem'be actual programs..."
heh . . .  ;>) :>) ;>) duh¿ ....uh¿ ...DOH ! ("U" Da
MAN !! ;>) ;>) ;>)
 Yo'  Colon_NULL_JAKe !;) ...it's O.K... everyone,
everywhere,  ...etc.
 was 2 " WARNING: DO NOT READ " [as per Subject Title ] ;>) ;>) ;>)
unKNOWinglee, inADDveRANTlee, unCONscienceTiOuSLY...
compLIED ! ;>) ;>)
...GET IT¿ ...IF Ya don't GET IT...Ya jus' DO'nt GET IT !...GET IT
(WARNING: DO NOT ! ...read next line careFULLy)
@N Jan 14, 11:69:69 pms, ***@yahoo.com wROTe: (read ALL
Post by Colonel Jake
I just have to say "this".  You are even MOre idio'TIC' in your posts than
"OUR OWN Col JAKe!"<---(What in the fuck) are you talking about? - Scratch
that - juat go away ..
         ^^^^---"tW_juat U Say ...o'...SAY Tw_JUAT ? ("a" iz nxt 2
"s"...AND THEN, even next 2 "z"... add all 3 up & you get "ASZ" ;-)
  WARNING: DO NOT ! READ (carefully'n'throughly...asZ suggUest in
                          subject TITLE...;>)
    to Archeive ( "i" before "e" except after "Cee") ...uh, Archieve
    in 6 days ( "7" ...including today ;>) ... blah, blah,
blah ...etc.
( The GROUP ME's posting to IZ a Usenet Group. Messages posted
to "DIS" Group WILL make "ME" email address visible to ANYONE,
ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE...etc.  on de  Hoe_fRICKn' "Internet" ! ;>)
DO NOT [click] "Options" (right corner of Title area in Google
"AND THEN", DO NOT [click] proportional text fixed font
                                          (fo' asScii_art :<)
## From: Sis
## Subject: Re:Holiday Cheer
## Date: 2007-12-23 15:52:55
## http://youtu.be/s-3DT_M1auQ
## >
## > This is SO cute!!
## >
## > Merry Christmas!!
## > NanciD
## That was great!  Didn't miss "the door" at all!
## Merry Christmas!
## Jackie
...3rd grade ... hmmmmmmm, "Whoops Der IT (#3 ME NumBerology #;>)
Yo' Sis [& NanciD] ,
THIS IS A TEST ... AND ONLY, A TEST ...blah blah blah ... etc.  ;>)
            /\\  /\
       /'^\( ^((^'^\/\
       //~~\  ________\\
       /               \\      H  A  Y  !   it'z   "I" . . .
       /   /\     /\   \
       {  /|X\( )/XX\  |       I DID NOT GET ME, MESELF, & I
   _  /     \_/ \_/     \  _   EVEN, B 4, EYE_THER YOU GUYS.
  / v/       (   )       \v \
  |' )        \_/     ,   ( '|          Get it ?  Get it ?
  || |    ,          /;   | ||
   \\\_\   #%$/###;/    /       ya jus'don't get it...
     '\_\\-=________=-         Get it ?  Get it ?
        \_ \  |   |
          \ \ |   |           Get it ? ... etc.
           \ /-----\---__
           _/ I (3) \_   )      ^          ^
          /  YRS Brat \  \      |  Seven ! | ..."jus' step way back &
         (=============) /         =====
        as in terrible 3's
AND THEN, . . . [ a "BLAST" ... from de past !  ;?) ]
                     ^^^^^...as in Cook'n ;>)"StarWar" Days) Google
  \\\\\\\                           /\
  ////___)                         \\ \
  //      >      ____|_mm________/ \/ / / Sr. Pc Design CAD Specialist
  //   (  }(|==/ __________   __/ /   \//\ Sun Microsystems MS MTV9-40
 // |   __)   / /   | |    \ \  \//\   / / Mountain View,
    /  /_    | |    |=|     | |  / / /\ / (415) 336-7323 (call
   /     \    \ \_mm_-___ _/ /    / \\ \
  |    \__________(_/   ^           \/ <
  |        |            |valve'n'rotar  \___"can U Cee de SUN logo ?"
  [baritone]   "Commodores DCI Finalist 1973"
  Disclaimer - SMCC Inc.  doesn't know of or share MY opinions.
      ®¿© --  " Deja-news® ,  makes 'ME' wanna  Google® "
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>
¸,.,¸.´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>
:And THEN, sum . . . MO ...
`^'^´``·.. ><º))))><`·.¸¸.·´¯`><º))))><´¯`·...¸><º))))><>·´
Dumb me. Can you put it in a simple sentence 25 words or less if I
send you twenty-five bucks in cash?

2008-01-15 12:15:55 UTC
Post by Crime Scene Cleanup
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by Colonel Jake
: I just have to say this. You are even more idiotic in your posts than
: OUR OWN Col Jake!<==(What in the fuck) are you talking about? -Scratch
: that - juat go away ..
Just click?,
and see if dem'be actual programs..."
heh . . . ;>) :>) ;>) duh¿ ....uh¿ ...DOH ! ("U" Da
MAN !! ;>) ;>) ;>)
Yo' Colon_NULL_JAKe !;) ...it's O.K... everyone,
everywhere, ...etc.
was 2 " WARNING: DO NOT READ " [as per Subject Title ] ;>) ;>) ;>)
unKNOWinglee, inADDveRANTlee, unCONscienceTiOuSLY...
compLIED ! ;>) ;>)
...GET IT¿ ...IF Ya don't GET IT...Ya jus' DO'nt GET IT !...GET IT
(WARNING: DO NOT ! ...read next line careFULLy)
@N Jan 14, 11:69:69 pms, ***@yahoo.com wROTe: (read ALL
Post by Colonel Jake
I just have to say "this". You are even MOre idio'TIC' in your posts than
"OUR OWN Col JAKe!"<---(What in the fuck) are you talking about? - Scratch
that - juat go away ..
^^^^---"tW_juat U Say ...o'...SAY Tw_JUAT ? ("a" iz nxt 2
"s"...AND THEN, even next 2 "z"... add all 3 up & you get "ASZ" ;-)
WARNING: DO NOT ! READ (carefully'n'throughly...asZ suggUest in
subject TITLE...;>)
to Archeive ( "i" before "e" except after "Cee") ...uh, Archieve
in 6 days ( "7" ...including today ;>) ... blah, blah,
blah ...etc.
( The GROUP ME's posting to IZ a Usenet Group. Messages posted
to "DIS" Group WILL make "ME" email address visible to ANYONE,
ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE...etc. on de Hoe_fRICKn' "Internet" ! ;>)
DO NOT [click] "Options" (right corner of Title area in Google
"AND THEN", DO NOT [click] proportional text fixed font
(fo' asScii_art :<)
## From: Sis
## Subject: Re:Holiday Cheer
## Date: 2007-12-23 15:52:55
## http://youtu.be/s-3DT_M1auQ
## >
## > This is SO cute!!
## >
## > Merry Christmas!!
## > NanciD
## That was great! Didn't miss "the door" at all!
## Merry Christmas!
## Jackie
...3rd grade ... hmmmmmmm, "Whoops Der IT (#3 ME NumBerology #;>)
Yo' Sis [& NanciD] ,
THIS IS A TEST ... AND ONLY, A TEST ...blah blah blah ... etc. ;>)
/\\ /\
/'^\( ^((^'^\/\
//~~\ ________\\
/ \\ H A Y ! it'z "I" . . .
/ /\ /\ \
{ /|X\( )/XX\ | I DID NOT GET ME, MESELF, & I
_ / \_/ \_/ \ _ EVEN, B 4, EYE_THER YOU GUYS.
/ v/ ( ) \v \
|' ) \_/ , ( '| Get it ? Get it ?
|| | , /; | ||
\\\_\ #%$/###;/ / ya jus'don't get it...
'\_\\-=________=- Get it ? Get it ?
\_ \ | |
\ \ | | Get it ? ... etc.
\ /-----\---__
_/ I (3) \_ ) ^ ^
/ YRS Brat \ \ | Seven ! | ..."jus' step way back &
(=============) / =====
as in terrible 3's
AND THEN, . . . [ a "BLAST" ... from de past ! ;?) ]
^^^^^...as in Cook'n ;>)"StarWar" Days) Google
\\\\\\\ /\
////___) \\ \
// > ____|_mm________/ \/ / / Sr. Pc Design CAD
// ( }(|==/ __________ __/ / \//\ Sun Microsystems MS
// | __) / / | | \ \ \//\ / / Mountain View,
/ /_ | | |=| | | / / /\ / (415) 336-7323 (call
/ \ \ \_mm_-___ _/ / / \\ \
| \__________(_/ ^ \/ <
| | |valve'n'rotar \___"can U Cee de SUN logo ?"
[baritone] "Commodores DCI Finalist 1973"
Disclaimer - SMCC Inc. doesn't know of or share MY opinions.
(R)¿(c) -- " Deja-news(R) , makes 'ME' wanna Google(R) "
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>
¸,.,¸.´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>
:And THEN, sum . . . MO ...
`^'^´``·.. ><º))))><`·.¸¸.·´¯`><º))))><´¯`·...¸><º))))><>·´
Dumb me. Can you put it in a simple sentence 25 words or less if I
send you twenty-five bucks in cash?
-Jeneric-- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
"itz early in de morning...me eyes I tired ..okay here's de first 10
of 25
of ME works (in de past....been der, done dat !)

(WARNING: DO NOT ! ...read next line careFULLy)

@N Jan 14, 11:03:69 pms, ***@yahoo.com wROTe: (read ALL [below]
Post by Crime Scene Cleanup
I just have to say "this". You are even MOre idio'TIC' in your posts than
"OUR OWN Col JAKe!"<---(What in the fuck) are you talking about? - Scratch
that - juat go away ..
^^^^---"tW_juat U Say ...o'...SAY Tw_JUAT ? ("a" iz nxt 2
"s"...AND THEN, even next 2 "z"... add all 3 up & you get "ASZ" ;-)

WARNING: DO NOT ! READ (carefully'n'throughly...asZ suggUest in
subject TITLE...;>)

***@yahoo.com wROTe:

...The A.F.K.As ***@drumcorp.Eng.Sun.com NOW "ME" wishes NOT
to Archeive ( "i" before "e" except after "Cee") ...uh, Archieve
in 6 days ( "7" ...including today ;>) ... blah, blah,
blah ...etc.

in Reference to :


( The GROUP ME's posting to IZ a Usenet Group. Messages posted
to "DIS" Group WILL make "ME" email address visible to ANYONE,
ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE...etc. on de Hoe_fRICKn' "Internet" ! ;>)

DO NOT [click] "Options" (right corner of Title area in Google
"AND THEN", DO NOT [click] proportional text fixed font
(fo' asScii_art :<)

## From: Sis
## Subject: Re:Holiday Cheer
## Date: 2007-12-23 15:52:55

## NanciD wrote:

## > A Drum Corps guy taught his third graders this:
## > http://youtu.be/s-3DT_M1auQ
## >
## > This is SO cute!!
## >
## > Merry Christmas!!
## > NanciD
## That was great! Didn't miss "the door" at all!
## Merry Christmas!
## Jackie

...3rd grade ... hmmmmmmm, "Whoops Der IT (#3 ME NumBerology #;>)

Yo' Sis [& NanciD] ,

THIS IS A TEST ... AND ONLY, A TEST ...blah blah blah ... etc. ;>)

/\\ /\
/'^\( ^((^'^\/\
//~~\ ________\\
/ \\ H A Y ! it'z "I" . . .
/ /\ /\ \
{ /|X\( )/XX\ | I DID NOT GET ME, MESELF, & I
| \XX@^@XX/ |
_ / \_/ \_/ \ _ EVEN, B 4, EYE_THER YOU GUYS.
/ v/ ( ) \v \
|' ) \_/ , ( '| Get it ? Get it ?
|| | , /; | ||
\_( /#@%@#@_=/#@| )_/ if ya don't get it...
-_ \ |@#@@%@%'##/' /
\\\_\ #%$/###;/ / ya jus'don't get it... (Ncludn'pzZCat)
\\\'\ @%\%@%-' /'
'\_\\-=________=- Get it ? Get it ?
\_ \ | |
\ \ | | Get it ? ... etc.
\ /-----\---__
_/ I (3) \_ ) ^ ^
/ YRS Brat \ \ | Seven ! |...jus'step way back & Cee
(=============) / =====
as in terrible 3's

AND THEN, . . . [ a "BLAST" ... from de past ! ;?) ]
^^^^^...as in Cook'n ;>)"StarWar"Days) Google it!

\\\\\\\ /\
////___) \\ \
///@ O - \ \\ / Richardo R. Clavejo
// > ____|_mm________/ \/ / / Sr. Pc Design CAD Specialist
// ( }(|==/ __________ __/ / \//\ Sun Microsystems MS MTV9-40
// | __) / / | | \ \ \//\ / / Mountain View,CA(comVzIiME)
/ /_ | | |=| | | / / /\ / (415) 336-7323(call ANYtiME)
/ \ \ \_mm_-___ _/ / / \\ \
/ \ )----\___~))=(@)__/ \ \\mail:***@drumcorp.Eng.Sun.Com
| \__________(_/ ^ \/ <
| | |valve'n'rotar \___"can U Cee de SUN logo ?"
[baritone] "Commodores DCI Finalist 1973"
Disclaimer - SMCC Inc. doesn't know of or share MY opinions.

1) A.F.K.As ***@drumcorp.Eng.Sun.com (& Java_hardware_member of
"Star7" "Project Green"...
GO_ogle it !...de forgot ME
...well, I was the "secrect PCB. CAD Designer fo'...NOW, Mr. GO_ogle
President ...de hardware was "ahead" of it's time...familiar
features of:
"i(dont have)Phone(R)

2) A.F.K.A's ***@yusa.com Sr.CAD PC Designer Contractor for MANY
"Silly- CON Valley" customers AND "startups" "via" Yamamoto MFG
(USA) Inc. Google it ! http://www.yusa.com/ Heh, Dey STILL hav Der
LOGO_pic ME designed in M.S.Paint ;>) Yeah, ME can design/run-circles
w/ Adobe(R)-Photoshop(R) Flash(R) . . . oh, what's dat '70s tune called
" DreamWeaver(R) " BUTT, ME like 2 do "old-school shhhhhht" STILL !
Dat's why ME uses MS Paint(R) ...plus ME also think of de future...
in other words "If ME die soon scenario"...one SHOULD 2 think of
whos going 2 continue "Takin-care of business"-by sum Dat '70s Rock
group ;>)...e.g.s. ANYONE can continue "maintaing ME old Webdesigns
w/ MS Paint(R)...ME did De orig Webpage design fo' www.yusa.com w/
Mosaic(R) 1992 ...da dude that's maintaining it IZ doing a damn good
job !... ;>)... AS a "hobby" ...like ME, it's REALLY NOT ME JOB...
I'M NOT a WebDesigner by trade butt, do it fo' FUN ! ;>) ;>) ;>)
Re_MEMBER folks...make homepages in place of 'notebooks'... it really
doesn't HAVE to go on de Internet...butt, HAVE that OPTION ...I
actually download important homepage info' ...cauze, MOST of the
time...I DON'T like to be always connected to D Internet...I just
simply plug'n'pull and OLD pcmcia (I've designed alot of those
pcmcia printed circuit boards too !)

AND THEN, have ALL the web-browser loaded on Yo'computer...some have
better features than others ... Dey're all FREE ...always download de
latest BUTT, I keep the oldest, EVEN good old Mosaic(R), Suns HotJava(R)
...along w/ Netscapes(R) 6 7 8 9 ...etc. versions , MS Exploder (heh)
#'s...etc. versions, Mozilla(R) Firefox(R),..#etc. old versions ...etc.
... whatever...

3) A.F.K.A's ***@drumcorp.Eng.Sun.Com Sr. CAD Application Engr.
... when...

4) "ME" designed "Multi-chip Modules" fo Intergrated Micro Products
(SUN Inc.England) "via" ShowMe(R) 1989..."original" code design name
"Cool" [equivalent 2 "NetMeeting"]
Yes, ME(de only SUN PC designer..cuz de rest of Suns designers did'nt
want 2 use) designed w/ ShowMe(R)...ME trained de Engrs (across Suns
world campuses) www.Cadence(R) "Allegro Expert(R)" 2 do der OWN printed
circuit designs THEMSELVES (per CAD) ...while I'd "KICK'd BACK",let
Dem' take over da mouse..while ME listen 2 "Men@ Work".au (heh) on
WinAMP.mp3 player;>)
MOST Printed Circuit Designer DON't want de Circuit Engineers 2 touch
DER' designs "especially" IF de PC Designers get one of DozZzZe silly
"Micro- managing_fools" ;<(

(Dat goes 4 ANYone, ANYhere, ANYbody, EVERYbody, EVERYwhere,
ETC. ;>)

Sun ShowMe(R): http://www.sun.com/smi/Press/sunflash/1998-05/sunflash.980512.2.xml

..." fak'n_eh ! "...I'm NOT "stupid" BUTt, I'm fRICKn'***@t
least de other PC
Designers felt that way ;>b ("Dey didn't snooze, dey looZ...if ya get
ME drift. ;>)


5) F.K.A.s http://www.isi.com butt_ NOW iZ "Wind River(R)"

ALSO, A.F.K.As ***@yusa.com Sr.CAD PC Dsgnr fo' MANY "Silly-CON
Valley" Customers

6) "ME" also Designed "Multi-chip Modules" fo' F.K.A's Micropak(R)
Labs ...iZ NOW chg 2:

7) A.F.K.As ***@yahoo.com

8) A.F.K.As ***@hotmail.com

9) A.F.K.As ***@cisco.com (..."kid was a fiend of MEinds" -
WAR ;-)

10) A.F.K.As A-***@microsoft.com (xbox360=¿) HW Design Team

...I'll finish the rest (of 25 works) ....later...

(R)¿(c) -- " Deja-news(R) , makes 'ME' wanna Google(R) "

·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>
¸,.,¸.´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>
:And THEN, sum . . . MO ...
`^'^´``·.. ><º))))><`·.¸¸.·´¯`><º))))><´¯`·...¸><º))))><>·´
2008-01-15 12:18:31 UTC
Post by Crime Scene Cleanup
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by Colonel Jake
: I just have to say this. You are even more idiotic in your posts than
: OUR OWN Col Jake!<==(What in the fuck) are you talking about? -Scratch
: that - juat go away ..
Just click?,
and see if dem'be actual programs..."
heh . . . ;>) :>) ;>) duh¿ ....uh¿ ...DOH ! ("U" Da
MAN !! ;>) ;>) ;>)
Yo' Colon_NULL_JAKe !;) ...it's O.K... everyone,
everywhere, ...etc.
was 2 " WARNING: DO NOT READ " [as per Subject Title ] ;>) ;>) ;>)
unKNOWinglee, inADDveRANTlee, unCONscienceTiOuSLY...
compLIED ! ;>) ;>)
...GET IT¿ ...IF Ya don't GET IT...Ya jus' DO'nt GET IT !...GET IT
(WARNING: DO NOT ! ...read next line careFULLy)
@N Jan 14, 11:69:69 pms, ***@yahoo.com wROTe: (read ALL
Post by Colonel Jake
I just have to say "this". You are even MOre idio'TIC' in your posts than
"OUR OWN Col JAKe!"<---(What in the fuck) are you talking about? - Scratch
that - juat go away ..
^^^^---"tW_juat U Say ...o'...SAY Tw_JUAT ? ("a" iz nxt 2
"s"...AND THEN, even next 2 "z"... add all 3 up & you get "ASZ" ;-)
WARNING: DO NOT ! READ (carefully'n'throughly...asZ suggUest in
subject TITLE...;>)
to Archeive ( "i" before "e" except after "Cee") ...uh, Archieve
in 6 days ( "7" ...including today ;>) ... blah, blah,
blah ...etc.
( The GROUP ME's posting to IZ a Usenet Group. Messages posted
to "DIS" Group WILL make "ME" email address visible to ANYONE,
ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE...etc. on de Hoe_fRICKn' "Internet" ! ;>)
DO NOT [click] "Options" (right corner of Title area in Google
"AND THEN", DO NOT [click] proportional text fixed font
(fo' asScii_art :<)
## From: Sis
## Subject: Re:Holiday Cheer
## Date: 2007-12-23 15:52:55
## http://youtu.be/s-3DT_M1auQ
## >
## > This is SO cute!!
## >
## > Merry Christmas!!
## > NanciD
## That was great! Didn't miss "the door" at all!
## Merry Christmas!
## Jackie
...3rd grade ... hmmmmmmm, "Whoops Der IT (#3 ME NumBerology #;>)
Yo' Sis [& NanciD] ,
THIS IS A TEST ... AND ONLY, A TEST ...blah blah blah ... etc. ;>)
/\\ /\
/'^\( ^((^'^\/\
//~~\ ________\\
/ \\ H A Y ! it'z "I" . . .
/ /\ /\ \
{ /|X\( )/XX\ | I DID NOT GET ME, MESELF, & I
_ / \_/ \_/ \ _ EVEN, B 4, EYE_THER YOU GUYS.
/ v/ ( ) \v \
|' ) \_/ , ( '| Get it ? Get it ?
|| | , /; | ||
\\\_\ #%$/###;/ / ya jus'don't get it...
'\_\\-=________=- Get it ? Get it ?
\_ \ | |
\ \ | | Get it ? ... etc.
\ /-----\---__
_/ I (3) \_ ) ^ ^
/ YRS Brat \ \ | Seven ! | ..."jus' step way back &
(=============) / =====
as in terrible 3's
AND THEN, . . . [ a "BLAST" ... from de past ! ;?) ]
^^^^^...as in Cook'n ;>)"StarWar" Days) Google
\\\\\\\ /\
////___) \\ \
// > ____|_mm________/ \/ / / Sr. Pc Design CAD
// ( }(|==/ __________ __/ / \//\ Sun Microsystems MS
// | __) / / | | \ \ \//\ / / Mountain View,
/ /_ | | |=| | | / / /\ / (415) 336-7323 (call
/ \ \ \_mm_-___ _/ / / \\ \
| \__________(_/ ^ \/ <
| | |valve'n'rotar \___"can U Cee de SUN logo ?"
[baritone] "Commodores DCI Finalist 1973"
Disclaimer - SMCC Inc. doesn't know of or share MY opinions.
(R)¿(c) -- " Deja-news(R) , makes 'ME' wanna Google(R) "
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>
¸,.,¸.´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>
:And THEN, sum . . . MO ...
`^'^´``·.. ><º))))><`·.¸¸.·´¯`><º))))><´¯`·...¸><º))))><>·´
Dumb me. Can you put it in a simple sentence 25 words or less if I
send you twenty-five bucks in cash?
-Jeneric-- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
(WARNING: DO NOT ! ...read next line careFULLy)

@N Jan 14, 11:03:69 pms, ***@yahoo.com wROTe: (read ALL [below]
Post by Crime Scene Cleanup
I just have to say "this". You are even MOre idio'TIC' in your posts than
"OUR OWN Col JAKe!"<---(What in the fuck) are you talking about? - Scratch
that - juat go away ..
^^^^---"tW_juat U Say ...o'...SAY Tw_JUAT ? ("a" iz nxt 2
"s"...AND THEN, even next 2 "z"... add all 3 up & you get "ASZ" ;-)

WARNING: DO NOT ! READ (carefully'n'throughly...asZ suggUest in
subject TITLE...;>)

***@yahoo.com wROTe:

...The A.F.K.As ***@drumcorp.Eng.Sun.com NOW "ME" wishes NOT
to Archeive ( "i" before "e" except after "Cee") ...uh, Archieve
in 6 days ( "7" ...including today ;>) ... blah, blah,
blah ...etc.

in Reference to :


( The GROUP ME's posting to IZ a Usenet Group. Messages posted
to "DIS" Group WILL make "ME" email address visible to ANYONE,
ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE...etc. on de Hoe_fRICKn' "Internet" ! ;>)

DO NOT [click] "Options" (right corner of Title area in Google
"AND THEN", DO NOT [click] proportional text fixed font
(fo' asScii_art :<)

## From: Sis
## Subject: Re:Holiday Cheer
## Date: 2007-12-23 15:52:55

## NanciD wrote:

## > A Drum Corps guy taught his third graders this:
## > http://youtu.be/s-3DT_M1auQ
## >
## > This is SO cute!!
## >
## > Merry Christmas!!
## > NanciD
## That was great! Didn't miss "the door" at all!
## Merry Christmas!
## Jackie

...3rd grade ... hmmmmmmm, "Whoops Der IT (#3 ME NumBerology #;>)

Yo' Sis [& NanciD] ,

THIS IS A TEST ... AND ONLY, A TEST ...blah blah blah ... etc. ;>)

/\\ /\
/'^\( ^((^'^\/\
//~~\ ________\\
/ \\ H A Y ! it'z "I" . . .
/ /\ /\ \
{ /|X\( )/XX\ | I DID NOT GET ME, MESELF, & I
| \XX@^@XX/ |
_ / \_/ \_/ \ _ EVEN, B 4, EYE_THER YOU GUYS.
/ v/ ( ) \v \
|' ) \_/ , ( '| Get it ? Get it ?
|| | , /; | ||
\_( /#@%@#@_=/#@| )_/ if ya don't get it...
-_ \ |@#@@%@%'##/' /
\\\_\ #%$/###;/ / ya jus'don't get it... (Ncludn'pzZCat)
\\\'\ @%\%@%-' /'
'\_\\-=________=- Get it ? Get it ?
\_ \ | |
\ \ | | Get it ? ... etc.
\ /-----\---__
_/ I (3) \_ ) ^ ^
/ YRS Brat \ \ | Seven ! |...jus'step way back & Cee
(=============) / =====
as in terrible 3's

AND THEN, . . . [ a "BLAST" ... from de past ! ;?) ]
^^^^^...as in Cook'n ;>)"StarWar"Days) Google it!

\\\\\\\ /\
////___) \\ \
///@ O - \ \\ / Richardo R. Clavejo
// > ____|_mm________/ \/ / / Sr. Pc Design CAD Specialist
// ( }(|==/ __________ __/ / \//\ Sun Microsystems MS MTV9-40
// | __) / / | | \ \ \//\ / / Mountain View,CA(comVzIiME)
/ /_ | | |=| | | / / /\ / (415) 336-7323(call ANYtiME)
/ \ \ \_mm_-___ _/ / / \\ \
/ \ )----\___~))=(@)__/ \ \\mail:***@drumcorp.Eng.Sun.Com
| \__________(_/ ^ \/ <
| | |valve'n'rotar \___"can U Cee de SUN logo ?"
[baritone] "Commodores DCI Finalist 1973"
Disclaimer - SMCC Inc. doesn't know of or share MY opinions.

1) A.F.K.As ***@drumcorp.Eng.Sun.com (& Java_hardware_member of
"Star7" "Project Green"...
GO_ogle it !...de forgot ME
...well, I was the "secrect PCB. CAD Designer fo'...NOW, Mr. GO_ogle
President ...de hardware was "ahead" of it's time...familiar
features of:
"i(dont have)Phone(R)

2) A.F.K.A's ***@yusa.com Sr.CAD PC Designer Contractor for MANY
"Silly- CON Valley" customers AND "startups" "via" Yamamoto MFG
(USA) Inc. Google it ! http://www.yusa.com/ Heh, Dey STILL hav Der
LOGO_pic ME designed in M.S.Paint ;>) Yeah, ME can design/run-circles
w/ Adobe(R)-Photoshop(R) Flash(R) . . . oh, what's dat '70s tune called
" DreamWeaver(R) " BUTT, ME like 2 do "old-school shhhhhht" STILL !
Dat's why ME uses MS Paint(R) ...plus ME also think of de future...
in other words "If ME die soon scenario"...one SHOULD 2 think of
whos going 2 continue "Takin-care of business"-by sum Dat '70s Rock
group ;>)...e.g.s. ANYONE can continue "maintaing ME old Webdesigns
w/ MS Paint(R)...ME did De orig Webpage design fo' www.yusa.com w/
Mosaic(R) 1992 ...da dude that's maintaining it IZ doing a damn good
job !... ;>)... AS a "hobby" ...like ME, it's REALLY NOT ME JOB...
I'M NOT a WebDesigner by trade butt, do it fo' FUN ! ;>) ;>) ;>)
Re_MEMBER folks...make homepages in place of 'notebooks'... it really
doesn't HAVE to go on de Internet...butt, HAVE that OPTION ...I
actually download important homepage info' ...cauze, MOST of the
time...I DON'T like to be always connected to D Internet...I just
simply plug'n'pull and OLD pcmcia (I've designed alot of those
pcmcia printed circuit boards too !)

AND THEN, have ALL the web-browser loaded on Yo'computer...some have
better features than others ... Dey're all FREE ...always download de
latest BUTT, I keep the oldest, EVEN good old Mosaic(R), Suns HotJava(R)
...along w/ Netscapes(R) 6 7 8 9 ...etc. versions , MS Exploder (heh)
#'s...etc. versions, Mozilla(R) Firefox(R),..#etc. old versions ...etc.
... whatever...

3) A.F.K.A's ***@drumcorp.Eng.Sun.Com Sr. CAD Application Engr.
... when...

4) "ME" designed "Multi-chip Modules" fo Intergrated Micro Products
(SUN Inc.England) "via" ShowMe(R) 1989..."original" code design name
"Cool" [equivalent 2 "NetMeeting"]
Yes, ME(de only SUN PC designer..cuz de rest of Suns designers did'nt
want 2 use) designed w/ ShowMe(R)...ME trained de Engrs (across Suns
world campuses) www.Cadence(R) "Allegro Expert(R)" 2 do der OWN printed
circuit designs THEMSELVES (per CAD) ...while I'd "KICK'd BACK",let
Dem' take over da mouse..while ME listen 2 "Men@ Work".au (heh) on
WinAMP.mp3 player;>)
MOST Printed Circuit Designer DON't want de Circuit Engineers 2 touch
DER' designs "especially" IF de PC Designers get one of DozZzZe silly
"Micro- managing_fools" ;<(

(Dat goes 4 ANYone, ANYhere, ANYbody, EVERYbody, EVERYwhere,
ETC. ;>)

Sun ShowMe(R): http://www.sun.com/smi/Press/sunflash/1998-05/sunflash.980512.2.xml

..." fak'n_eh ! "...I'm NOT "stupid" BUTt, I'm fRICKn'***@t
least de other PC
Designers felt that way ;>b ("Dey didn't snooze, dey looZ...if ya get
ME drift. ;>)


5) F.K.A.s http://www.isi.com butt_ NOW iZ "Wind River(R)"

ALSO, A.F.K.As ***@yusa.com Sr.CAD PC Dsgnr fo' MANY "Silly-CON
Valley" Customers

6) "ME" also Designed "Multi-chip Modules" fo' F.K.A's Micropak(R)
Labs ...iZ NOW chg 2:

7) A.F.K.As ***@yahoo.com

8) A.F.K.As ***@hotmail.com

9) A.F.K.As ***@cisco.com (..."kid was a fiend of MEinds" -
WAR ;-)

10) A.F.K.As A-***@microsoft.com (xbox360=¿) HW Design Team

...I'll finish the rest (of 25 works) ....later...

(R)¿(c) -- " Deja-news(R) , makes 'ME' wanna Google(R) "

·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>
¸,.,¸.´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>
:And THEN, sum . . . MO ...
`^'^´``·.. ><º))))><`·.¸¸.·´¯`><º))))><´¯`·...¸><º))))><>·´
2008-01-15 07:43:44 UTC
Post by Jazzycat1
I just have to say this. You are even more idiotic in your posts than
our own Col Jake! What in the fuck are you talking about? - Scratch
that - juat go away ..
^^^^--"tW_juat U Say ...o'...SAY Tw_JUAT ? ("a" iz nxt 2

DO NOT READ (carefully'n'throughly...aZ suggUest in subject

( The GROUP ME's posting to IZ a Usenet Group. Messages posted
to "DIS" Group WILL make "ME" email address visible to ANYONE,
ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE...etc. on de Hoe_fRICKn' "Internet" ! ;>)

DO NOT [click] "Options" (right corner of Title area in Google
"AND THEN", DO NOT [click] proportional text fixed font
(fo' asScii_art :<)

~~~~~~U~N~D~E~R~~~~~C~U~R~R~E~N~T~~~~~C~O~N~D~I~T~I~O~N~S ~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~...on SaraSqUReal_Meds ag*in ;<(~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8~~~~~~~~~~

®¿© -- " Deja-news® , makes wanna Google® "
2008-01-15 22:52:27 UTC
Post by Jazzycat1
I just have to say this. You are even more idiotic in your posts than
our own Col Jake! What in the fuck are you talking about? - Scratch
that - juat go away ..
A.F.K.As ***@yahoo.com wRIGHTS :

...heh, de LAW "finally" caught up to "ME" ... ME said "What took Y'al
So Long ?"
...Man, ME been "Hide'n'seek'...since llast Thurs...AND THEN, I
started (either
by foot, by ME (LandRoller) skates (Google it)...by ME daughters white
(heh, y'all CEEn dat old Subaru commercial (last Nov-Dec '07) ?
whereas it shows
a new white Subaru Outback w/ ME license plates (RICKY) and ALL doz's
animals yelling " Hey Ricky ?"...yeah, crack'd ME up and ME friends &
says it re"minds" 'em of "ME" ! ;>) ;>0

AND THEN, de 'I_Shout_De_Sheriff' DID NOT handcuff ME (I put ME hands
back de Sir
could do without ...struggle ;>( "BAD BOY, BAD BOY,...Twat ME going
to do ? when
Dey come for 'U' "..."DEy comn' to Take ME Away, ha ha ...etc." Name-
Dat_Tune ?

Well, he served me court date...I'll be going AWAY for awhile...
(sniff) going 2
miss dat old-"shcool"-oldies '70s old-school-jams "Mega100" (Google
it) AG8in ;<( ...(sniff)
... I have tickets AG8in...

...ironically, todays was/is to be ME Dads 80th BD... have to go visit
him...todays also
marks ...Me quit da http://www.Renegades.org ..help support ALL
the good Drum &
Bugle Corps "cauZe" ... especially de Sr. Corps... they all need
Yo' donations (tax
ride-offs for the Rich, and "dwendling Middle-Class Folks" ...(Dey
need a Leader !!! too!)

I DID NOT see any of de CA Drumcorps Shows last year...like I
said...I've hibernatin'...(sigh)...even missed de ESPN2 broadcasts
(sniff). BUTT, I(&everyone) really needed "a break"
(and goin' I Be goin' on another "Journey" ...(I like dat
"BAND" ...too !...;>)

®¿© -- " Deja-news® , makes 'ME' wanna Google® "(sniff) eh? I'll
survive, ben der, dun dat...

A.F.K.A's ***@yahoo.com ... Richardo R. Clavejo ... "Peace
Out !"

... too much of "ME" is NOT good (as De' ol' "catch-phrase" ...sorry
ALL, (4-teaZn) I fo'got...
(ME brain-fart w/ OLD age....Y'al BE "VKcool" ! ... :>)

ME problem had nothin' 2 do w/ de "INternet crap" (well, untill de
RAMD-MODsquad...hangs ME ;>)
...it has 2 do...jus', w/ ME so-called-Docs say "Fatally-mentally-
ill"...& ME Meds...etc.

...untill, then (name dat 50's tune " Till Then " ... or lately
tune "How Do I" ...by L.R.
...BuTT even better , de-funKy-JAZZ-slow-JAmZZ ..." If I don't
Have YOU (I think thats
the tile...one of the verse lyrics say "some people want it all (or
have it all)...etc.
but it ani't nothing if I don't have You" ...etc. sumptn' dat sort
- By ?(ME has brainfart;>(

...These "3" tunes I dedicate for ME Wife (I have NOT stop luvn' all
dez 33yrs goin on (34="7")
butt, I wanted to sing her all doze tunes @the Stockton Bob Hope
theater Feb 2nd (de old
theater Feb 2nd (de olddowntown FOX theatre) featuring ,
Stylistics, Chilites, Delfonics,
and Bloodstone (dey sing "Natural High...which I always tell ME
wife, da one verse lyrics
in that tune, dat says ... " ...and I don't even Know YOU "... yep,
someday soon...;>)
luv, |®¿©|
| @ | "RePsycho-Bad_DAD"
| | MR Clavejo
2008-01-22 08:37:37 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by Jazzycat1
I just have to say this. You are even more idiotic in your posts than
our own Col Jake! What in the fuck are you talking about? - Scratch
that - juat go away ..
...heh, de LAW "finally" caught up to "ME" ... ME said "What took Y'al
So Long ?"
...Man, ME been "Hide'n'seek'...since llast Thurs...AND THEN, I
started (either
by foot, by ME (LandRoller) skates (Google it)...by ME daughters white
(heh, y'all CEEn dat old Subaru commercial (last Nov-Dec '07) ?
whereas it shows
a new white Subaru Outback w/ ME license plates (RICKY) and ALL doz's
animals yelling " Hey Ricky ?"...yeah, crack'd ME up and ME friends &
says it re"minds" 'em of "ME" ! ;>)  ;>0
AND THEN, de 'I_Shout_De_Sheriff' DID NOT handcuff ME (I put ME hands
back de Sir
could do without ...struggle ;>(  "BAD BOY, BAD BOY,...Twat ME going
to do ? when
Dey come for 'U' "..."DEy comn' to Take ME Away, ha ha ...etc." Name-
Dat_Tune ?
Well, he served me court date...I'll be going AWAY for awhile...
(sniff) going 2
miss dat old-"shcool"-oldies '70s old-school-jams "Mega100" (Google
it) AG8in ;<( ...(sniff)
... I have tickets AG8in...
...ironically, todays was/is to be ME Dads 80th BD... have to go visit
him...todays also
   marks ...Me quit  da  http://www.Renegades.org ..help support ALL
the good Drum &
   Bugle Corps "cauZe" ... especially de Sr. Corps... they all need
Yo' donations (tax
   ride-offs for the Rich, and "dwendling  Middle-Class Folks" ...(Dey
need a Leader !!! too!)
I DID NOT see any of de CA Drumcorps Shows last year...like I
said...I've hibernatin'...(sigh)...even missed de ESPN2 broadcasts
(sniff). BUTT, I(&everyone) really needed "a break"
  (and goin' I Be goin' on another "Journey" ...(I like dat
"BAND" ...too !...;>)
 ®¿© -- " Deja-news® ,  makes 'ME' wanna  Google® "(sniff) eh? I'll
survive, ben der, dun dat...
Out !"
... too much of "ME" is NOT good (as De' ol' "catch-phrase" ...sorry
ALL, (4-teaZn) I fo'got...
    (ME brain-fart w/ OLD age....Y'al  BE  "VKcool" ! ... :>)
 ME problem had nothin' 2 do w/ de "INternet crap" (well, untill de
RAMD-MODsquad...hangs ME ;>)
 ...it has 2 do...jus',  w/ ME so-called-Docs say "Fatally-mentally-
ill"...& ME Meds...etc.
...untill, then  (name dat 50's tune " Till Then " ... or  lately
tune  "How Do I" ...by L.R.
   ...BuTT even better ,  de-funKy-JAZZ-slow-JAmZZ ..." If I don't
Have YOU (I think thats
   the tile...one of the verse lyrics say "some people want it all (or
have it all)...etc.
   but it ani't nothing if I don't have You" ...etc. sumptn' dat sort
- By ?(ME has brainfart;>(
...These "3" tunes I dedicate for ME Wife (I have NOT stop luvn' all
dez 33yrs goin on (34="7")
theater Feb 2nd (de old
   theater Feb 2nd (de olddowntown FOX theatre) featuring ,
Stylistics, Chilites, Delfonics,
   and Bloodstone (dey sing "Natural High...which I always tell ME
wife, da one verse lyrics
   in that tune, dat says ... " ...and I don't even Know YOU "... yep,
someday soon...;>)
luv, |®¿©|
     |   |     MR Clavejo
***@yahoo.com Wrights :

...Me remember this tune fo' ME wife...ME sang da hell out of this
on the long Azz bus ride from Stockton to Boston and back (across de
hoe U.S.A. with the 1973 DCI finalist ...Stockton Police Commodores...
well, it's one of the Many songs ME blew ME wifes ear drums out ! ;>)

..."And the beat goes on ?" by the Whispers NOT ...here's one
love ballad...I also sang the hell out of Whispers " If You
" ...google it.

"I Only Meant to Wet Me Feat" (feet ;>) by de WhiZpers

luv, |®¿©|
| @ | "RePsycho-Bad_DAD"
| | MR Clavejo
2008-01-22 14:04:34 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by Jazzycat1
I just have to say this. You are even more idiotic in your posts than
our own Col Jake! What in the fuck are you talking about? - Scratch
that - juat go away ..
...heh, de LAW "finally" caught up to "ME" ... ME said "What took Y'al
So Long ?"
...Man, ME been "Hide'n'seek'...since llast Thurs...AND THEN, I
started (either
by foot, by ME (LandRoller) skates (Google it)...by ME daughters white
(heh, y'all CEEn dat old Subaru commercial (last Nov-Dec '07) ?
whereas it shows
a new white Subaru Outback w/ ME license plates (RICKY) and ALL doz's
animals yelling " Hey Ricky ?"...yeah, crack'd ME up and ME friends &
says it re"minds" 'em of "ME" ! ;>)  ;>0
AND THEN, de 'I_Shout_De_Sheriff' DID NOT handcuff ME (I put ME hands
back de Sir
could do without ...struggle ;>(  "BAD BOY, BAD BOY,...Twat ME going
to do ? when
Dey come for 'U' "..."DEy comn' to Take ME Away, ha ha ...etc." Name-
Dat_Tune ?
Well, he served me court date...I'll be going AWAY for awhile...
(sniff) going 2
miss dat old-"shcool"-oldies '70s old-school-jams "Mega100" (Google
it) AG8in ;<( ...(sniff)
... I have tickets AG8in...
...ironically, todays was/is to be ME Dads 80th BD... have to go visit
him...todays also
   marks ...Me quit  da  http://www.Renegades.org ..help support ALL
the good Drum &
   Bugle Corps "cauZe" ... especially de Sr. Corps... they all need
Yo' donations (tax
   ride-offs for the Rich, and "dwendling  Middle-Class Folks" ...(Dey
need a Leader !!! too!)
I DID NOT see any of de CA Drumcorps Shows last year...like I
said...I've hibernatin'...(sigh)...even missed de ESPN2 broadcasts
(sniff). BUTT, I(&everyone) really needed "a break"
  (and goin' I Be goin' on another "Journey" ...(I like dat
"BAND" ...too !...;>)
 ®¿© -- " Deja-news® ,  makes 'ME' wanna  Google® "(sniff) eh? I'll
survive, ben der, dun dat...
Out !"
... too much of "ME" is NOT good (as De' ol' "catch-phrase" ...sorry
ALL, (4-teaZn) I fo'got...
    (ME brain-fart w/ OLD age....Y'al  BE  "VKcool" ! ... :>)
 ME problem had nothin' 2 do w/ de "INternet crap" (well, untill de
RAMD-MODsquad...hangs ME ;>)
 ...it has 2 do...jus',  w/ ME so-called-Docs say "Fatally-mentally-
ill"...& ME Meds...etc.
...untill, then  (name dat 50's tune " Till Then " ... or  lately
tune  "How Do I" ...by L.R.
   ...BuTT even better ,  de-funKy-JAZZ-slow-JAmZZ ..." If I don't
Have YOU (I think thats
   the tile...one of the verse lyrics say "some people want it all (or
have it all)...etc.
   but it ani't nothing if I don't have You" ...etc. sumptn' dat sort
- By ?(ME has brainfart;>(
...These "3" tunes I dedicate for ME Wife (I have NOT stop luvn' all
dez 33yrs goin on (34="7")
theater Feb 2nd (de old
   theater Feb 2nd (de olddowntown FOX theatre) featuring ,
Stylistics, Chilites, Delfonics,
   and Bloodstone (dey sing "Natural High...which I always tell ME
wife, da one verse lyrics
   in that tune, dat says ... " ...and I don't even Know YOU "... yep,
someday soon...;>)
luv, |®¿©|
     |   |     MR Clavejo
...Me remember this tune fo' ME wife...ME sang da hell out of this
on the long Azz bus ride from Stockton to Boston and back (across de
hoe U.S.A. with the 1973 DCI finalist ...Stockton Police Commodores...
well, it's one of the Many songs ME blew ME wifes ear drums out ! ;>)
..."And the beat goes on ?" by the Whispers  NOT ...here's one
love ballad...I also sang the hell out of Whispers " If You
" ...google it.
     "I Only Meant to Wet Me Feat" (feet ;>)  by de WhiZpers
 luv, |®¿©|
      |   |     MR Clavejo- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
***@yahoo.com Wrights :

...and so Mo' songs Me sang to Me Babe ...

Till Then

How do I
Live by Lee Rymes

If I Ain't Got You by-
Alicia Keys

Natural High -by

Laughter in the Rain neil

Sad Girl -by The

La la ...etc. Means I love
You -by Delfonics

Have You
Seen Her by- Chi-Lites

Colour My World -by

Hey There
Lonely Girl - by Eddie Holman

Baby I'm For Reals by-
The Originals

Make It With You - by

The Bells by- The

Dry Your Eyes -by Brenda &

How Deep Is Your Love -by
Bee Gees

Precious and Few -by

Outside Woman -by

How can you mend a broken
heart? bee gees

Always and Forever -by

If you Leave Me now -by

You & I stevie wonder

Oooh Ooooh Child -by ...

A Letter To MeSelf - by

Side Show - by Blue Majic

Betcha By Golly Wow by-
The Stylistics

http://youtu.be/NABbbZWyz0w How can you mend a broken
heart? -by Bee Gees

You Are Everything (1971) -
by Stylistics

1971 IF - by Bread

Breaking up is hard to do
(slow version) - by Niel Sadaka

After The
Lovin' - by Engelbert Humperdinck

so very
hard to go -by Tower of Power

We're All Alone -by Bob

willing to
learn -by Tower of Power

Look What You've Done to Me
-by Bob Skaggs

I won't Leave Unle ss You
Want Me to -by Tower of Power

http://youtu.be/_N_TNCsNdro You're
still a young man -by Tower of Power

Inseperable by- Natalie

...well, lastly...jus' a few mo' ME like ....

Freebird -by Lynard

"Creep" - by Radiohead

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:And THEN, sum . . .
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