2008-03-17 03:30:38 UTC
DO NOT [click] " Options "...
| Subject: "Title Block Area" |
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(right corner of Title area) "via" Google®
¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯
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hmmmm...ders mo' pcb designers jobs opening ??? ...
hmmm....interesting, via Yamamoto MFG USA, [PCB Service Bureau]
"ME" Richardo Rickie Clavejo contracted (2nd/3rd jobs besides 10-12
hours per direct-job) for many startups...one in particular...
a Sun Microsystems Inc. competitor... " Themis Corp. "...hmmmmm, butt,
Deys gonna "GOOGLE" me az ...(if ME applys) ;>) ...YEAH, ME applied to
"GOOGLEs" PCB Design Engr..but, ME did get a
tanks_butt_NO_tanx_email ;<(
....ya'al "C(S)ee....Don't PUT yo' Journal [BLOG] ...on de Internet !"
...diz will be bari(very) interesting...;>)
~~~~~~U~N~D~E~R~~~~~C~U~R~R~E~N~T~~~~~C~O~N~D~I~T~I~O~N~S ~~~~~~~~~
\\\\\\\ " Toot toot ...eh¿ /\
////___) ... beEP BEEP...etc. \\ \ Richardo R. Clavejo
///@¯¯¯O _ \ \\ / A.F.K.Azz "Ricky Ricardo"
// > ____|_mm_______ / \/ / / Sr. Pc Design CAD Specialist
//\ ( }(|==/ __________ ___/ / \//\Sun Microsystems® MS MTV9-40
// | __) / / | | \ \ \//\ / / Mountain View,CA(comVzItME)
/ /_ | | |=| | | / / /\ / (415) 336-7323(call ANYtiME)
/ \ \ \_mm_-___ _/ / / \\ \
/ \ )----\___~))=(@)__/ \ \\mail:***@drumcorp.Eng.Sun.Com
| \__________(_/ ^ \/ <
| | |valve'n'ROT_ar \___"can U Cee de SUN® logo ?"
[baritone] Stockton Commodores DCI®World Championship Finalist 1973
Disclaimer - SMCC Inc.® NEVER kNEW or share "ME" opOnions ...anyMo'
/- - \ " Deja-news® , makes 'ME' wanna Google® "
|(®¿©) | /
/ ~~~ \
( (fRICKn) ) ...WHATS A MUDDER...TO DO ?
\ \eh¿_/ /
\______/ .....GO FO' IT ?
| Subject: "Title Block Area" |
| "Options" |
| |
(right corner of Title area) "via" Google®
¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯
DO NOT [toggle/click] (left corner of Title area)
| |
| proportional text |
| fixed font (fo' aszZzZzcii_art :<) |
hmmmm...ders mo' pcb designers jobs opening ??? ...
hmmm....interesting, via Yamamoto MFG USA, [PCB Service Bureau]
"ME" Richardo Rickie Clavejo contracted (2nd/3rd jobs besides 10-12
hours per direct-job) for many startups...one in particular...
a Sun Microsystems Inc. competitor... " Themis Corp. "...hmmmmm, butt,
Deys gonna "GOOGLE" me az ...(if ME applys) ;>) ...YEAH, ME applied to
"GOOGLEs" PCB Design Engr..but, ME did get a
tanks_butt_NO_tanx_email ;<(
....ya'al "C(S)ee....Don't PUT yo' Journal [BLOG] ...on de Internet !"
...diz will be bari(very) interesting...;>)
~~~~~~U~N~D~E~R~~~~~C~U~R~R~E~N~T~~~~~C~O~N~D~I~T~I~O~N~S ~~~~~~~~~
\\\\\\\ " Toot toot ...eh¿ /\
////___) ... beEP BEEP...etc. \\ \ Richardo R. Clavejo
///@¯¯¯O _ \ \\ / A.F.K.Azz "Ricky Ricardo"
// > ____|_mm_______ / \/ / / Sr. Pc Design CAD Specialist
//\ ( }(|==/ __________ ___/ / \//\Sun Microsystems® MS MTV9-40
// | __) / / | | \ \ \//\ / / Mountain View,CA(comVzItME)
/ /_ | | |=| | | / / /\ / (415) 336-7323(call ANYtiME)
/ \ \ \_mm_-___ _/ / / \\ \
/ \ )----\___~))=(@)__/ \ \\mail:***@drumcorp.Eng.Sun.Com
| \__________(_/ ^ \/ <
| | |valve'n'ROT_ar \___"can U Cee de SUN® logo ?"
[baritone] Stockton Commodores DCI®World Championship Finalist 1973
Disclaimer - SMCC Inc.® NEVER kNEW or share "ME" opOnions ...anyMo'
/- - \ " Deja-news® , makes 'ME' wanna Google® "
|(®¿©) | /
/ ~~~ \
( (fRICKn) ) ...WHATS A MUDDER...TO DO ?
\ \eh¿_/ /
\______/ .....GO FO' IT ?